Board of Directors meeting 7/17/2024
The Harbor Hills Board of Directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Jake Stowers at 6:30 PM
Members Present were Jake Stowers, Diane DiMaio, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro Greg Runey, Rodney Finke, Ed Chesney, and Russ Argus
Residents in attendance: Mike Barrassu,1872 Clearwater Harbor Dr, Tim Ryan 4052 Harbor Hills Dr, Wes Eubanks 1524 Hill Dr. and Lloyd Banks 3733 McKay Creek
Tim Ryan will discuss the building plans with the Board later in the meeting agenda.
Rodney Finke made a motion to approve the minutes for June 19th, 2024.
Mike Clark 2nd the motion. Minutes were approved.
Ed Chesney reported that the Association has a $75,000 CD at Citizen’s First Bank and as of 7/17/24 $43,130.80 at Chase Bank checking/savings.
He also reported that 94 homeowners have not paid their 2024 annual dues.
Ed Chesney will be posting the minutes of the meeting to our HOA website.
Rodney Finke made a motion to approve Treasures report. Russ Argus 2nd motion. Treasurers report approved.
Diane DiMaio announced that 3872 Harbor Hills was the 3rd Quarter 2024 Beautification winner. Homeowner’s are Paul and Judy Autschlager.
The newcomer welcome program will start again later this year.
Mike Clark reported scanning over 2,000 of our HOA long stored paper documents for the HOA covering all Additions since we started keeping records.
Jake Stowers recommended that the Board review the 1st and 3rd Addition Deed Restrictions again, along with the new guidelines from the state of Florida and discuss at the next Board meeting.
Tim Ryan, owner of 4052 Harbor Hills Drive was present to hear the Review Committee’s recommendation to the Board of Directors, based on the Harbor Hills 1st Additions Building Restrictions (Section 4 Approval of Plans). The Board heard first from review members Jake Stowers and Rodney Finke. Jake offered his plan review experience as a retired Pinellas County Department Director and Rodney identified himself as a licensed General Contractor. The committee stated the exterior alterations would not be in harmony with the standard of housing within the neighborhood if allowed to modify the appearance of the house by closing in the garage. It was also noted that the exterior plan submitted significantly changed the architectural appearance of the home. It was further noted that the proposed single front-facing window did not match the height and size of the other windows around the home. Additionally, it was mentioned that this would be the only home in the 400+ home subdivision without a garage or covered parking.
Mr. Ryan requested to speak and apologized for starting construction without Board approval and asked the Board to go over the specific issues they had with the submitted plans. Mr. Ryan explained that he had recently canvased the neighborhood and identified a few homes where garages were not visible from the street and therefore, in his opinion those homes looked like what he was proposing. He discussed the placement of the garage enclosure window was selected by his general contractor and based off the nearby single front door side window.
The topic of reduced parking for the residence was also brought up by eliminating the garage. Mr. Ryan stated that there is ample parking on site, and it was his opinion, based on another vacation rental he owns in Largo, that parking would not be an issue.
Discussion ensued with other Board members having comments on the proposal and what they heard from the review committee. Ed Chesney noted that a garage enclosure like proposed is something that is easy to permit in the unincorporated areas of Pinellas County. He also noted that HOA deed restrictions are one way for communities to maintain higher standards and that Harbor Hills has over 400 property owners who expect the Board to follow and represent the community in their decision making and not to deviate from that. He further stated that the Board could possibly be sued by homeowners claiming that the Board did not uphold the deed restrictions and may also set precedence if the plans are approved.
Audience member Lloyd Banks stated that as a resident for over 40 years he agrees with the Board’s finding and he knows no other such approval ever being granted, or any other renovation project receiving two stop work orders from Pinellas County.
Mr. Ryan offered other options such as completing the garage conversion without changing the appearance of the home by enclosing the garage and installing a garage door that did not function as the master bedroom would be behind it. In addition, there was mention of a future new garage to be built on the north side of the home, but that would be delayed by the 50% FEMA Rule.
The Board noted they could not agree to other future construction or design considerations and would make their decision based on the plan submitted by the homeowner at this time.
Board Member Greg Runey made a motion to accept the Review Committees recommendation to deny the exterior alterations as submitted.
Ed Chesney 2nd the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Rodney Finke presented the Board members with 2 quotes for the entrance lighting project: one from On Time Electric, Inc. for $6,850.00 and one from Shoreline Electric, LLC for $13,895.00. After discussion on the quotes, Mike Clark made a motion to approve On Time Electric, Inc. for the project. Rodney Finke 2nd the motion. Motion approved.
Rodney Finke asked if our attorney, Anne Hathorn, could review the old documents from the past County dredging of McKay Creek. Ed Chesney said he would speak to her about this.
Greg Runey asked about completing the Board member training. Ed Chesney said he would research this issue regarding training for all the members and report his findings at the next meeting.
The Board discussed having 4-5 members who would have access to the HHPOA computer files and passwords as a backup to any unforeseen circumstances.
Rodney Finke made motion to adjourn. Mike Clark 2nd motion.
Meeting was adjourned 8:00 pm.
Board of Directors meeting 6/19/2024
The Harbor Hills Board of Directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Jake Stowers at 6:39 PM
Members Present were Jake Stowers, Diane DiMaio, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro and Greg Runey
Absent: Russ Argus, Ed Chesney and Rodney Finke
Residents in attendance: Judy Cole, 1850 Clearwater Harbor Dr. and Mike
Barrassu,1872 Clearwater Harbor Dr.
Mike Barrassu discussed the issues with the Airbnb property adjacent to his property.
The renters are violating the noise ordinance and the capacity of the number of people that may occupy the Airbnb.
Judy Cole mentioned she has the same issues with the Airbnb.
USA Beaches is the property management company for the Airbnb.
President Jake Stowers said he will contact the Code department at Pinellas County to discuss these violations.
Mike Clark made a motion to approve the minutes for May 15, 2024.
Joe Navarro 2nd the motion. Minutes were approved.
No Treasurer report. Ed Chesney absent.
Diane DiMaio announced that 3872 Harbor Hils was the 3rd Quarter 2024 Beautification winner.
Mike Clark reported scanning 2,146 of our HOA long stored paper documents for the HOA covering all Additions since we started keeping records.
President Jake Stowers discussed the timing of letters to be sent out to homeowners regarding a vote to consolidation the deed restrictions again.
No timetable was set, but the topic will be discussed at next months’ meeting.
Rodney Finke was absent. No new report on any progress.
President Jake Stowers introduced Grey Runey as a new member of the Board of Directors.
Next meeting is scheduled for July, 17th, 2024.
Mike Clark made motion to adjourn. Joe Navarro 2nd motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:34 pm.
Board of directors meeting 5/15/2024 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Stowers, at 6:28 PM.
Members Present were: Jake Stowers, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro, Rodney Finke, & Ed Chesney Absent: Diane DiMaio, Russ Argus, Karen Rodowicz, Deceased
Services for Karen will be held at St Patrick’s Church, followed by a reception at Belleair Bluffs City Hall
Lloyd Banks, as acting Secretary Pro Tem
Minutes of the Board Mtgs of 3/20/24 & 4/17/2024 had previously been distributed, for review. Motion made by Mike Clark and duly seconded was approved unanimously.
No Treasurer reported due the death Karen Rodowicz.
Ed Chesney reported he had received all the Treasurers record from Karens neighbor including the check book & the POBox key that was given to Joe Navarro. He also had deposited 25 checks.
The electrical work for upgrading & connecting the power for the lights at the entrances is still in process due to the inability to find a commercial electrical contractor willing to do the work.
Rodney Finke advised he will address the mater upon his return from Marsh Harbor
No Report
Jake Stowers suggests the matter be address at the next board meeting.
Mike Clark reported he has scanned 2,081 documents.
With the unopposed re-election of all incumbent directors running, without Lloyd Banks who was retiring. The following Association Officers were elected by the board:
PRESIDENT: Jake Stowes
Approved unanimously without objection
Jake Stowers nominated: Greg Runey to fill one of board vacancies.
The meeting was adjourned @ 7:06PM by motion made by Rodney Finke & duly seconded.
The meeting was adjourned @ 7:06PM by motion made by Rodney Finke & duly seconded.
Annual Association Meeting 4/17/2024
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by Board President Jake Stowers at 6:32 PM
Members Present were Jake Stowers, Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro, Lloyd Banks, and Rodney Finke
Absent: Russ Argus and Karen Rodowicz
Residents in attendance: Warren and Marilyn Brisner, Judy Cole, Barbara and John Koroknay, Michael DiMaio, Kathleen Jamison, Guenter Manczur, Toni Matthews, Adrian Meuse-Thomalla, Greg Runey, Daniel and Barbara Simmons and Brendan Walker.
Anne Hathorn, our HOA Attorney, stated that there was no need to approve the minutes of the last meeting because the annual meeting is a membership meeting. We will approve those minutes in June.
Jake Stowers reported the 2024 budget was similar to last years’ budget. The 2024 Annual budget was mailed to all association members. There is no proposed increase in annual dues.
Board Secretary Diane DiMaio explained to attendees how the award is selected and that we give the winners a $50 gift card from Publix. She also mentioned that we give out a plant arrangement to new homeowners in the neighborhood.
Diane DiMaio awarded 1748 Brookside as 2nd quarter 2024 beautification winner.
Jake Stowers explained the history of the deed restrictions and the reason for consolidation of the 3 subdivisions (Harbor Hills (HH), Harbor Hills First Addition and Harbor Hills Third Addition) into three equal documents, to all the homeowners in attendance. We will always and will continue to have three subdivisions, but with the same deed restrictions. Examples of the differences were discussed and debated. The general consensus was that it makes sense to consolidate.
Anne Hathorn also discussed the process and percentage of votes needed to consolidate. She also stated the need for residents to vote on the change within a 90-day window after they receive the documents. Some present expressed the need for more outreach to get the required yes votes needed.
Board V.P. Ed Chesney stated that the new effort of conform notices will not be mailed until later this year.
One Resident asked about any downside to approving the consolidation of deed restrictions. Anne Hathorn addressed the issue, stating there is no downside to the consolidation because it helps the Board to move forward on current issues. If not approved, it hinders their ability. There are no distinct differences within the neighborhood that would make it necessary for the deed restrictions to be different across the three subdivisions.
Another resident mentioned her trouble using the HOA website, which was resolved after the meeting.
Board Director Rodney Finke explained how Duke Energy stopped providing lighting to the entrances when they installed the new light poles. Rodney will to contact the County to see what can be done, as permitting has been problematic with our electric contractors.
Board Treasurer Karen Rodowicz, Joe Navarro, Mike Clark, Ed Chesney and an open seat were selected for 2-year terms
Mike Clark made the motion to adjourn. Ed Chesney 2nd motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.
Board of Directors meeting 3/20/2024
The Harbor Hills Board of Directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Jake Stowers at 6:30 PM
Members Present were Jake Stowers, Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro, Lloyd Banks, Rodney Finke
and Karen Rodowicz. Absent: Russ Argus
Residents in attendance: Bob & Kim Clark: 1553 Brookside
Longtime resident Kim Clark stated they were attending the meeting to become more familiar with the current issues of the Board.
President Jake Stowers briefly explained the history of our Deed Restrictions and the reasons for consolidation into one document to the homeowners in attendance.
Mike Clark made a motion to approve the minutes for February 21st, 2024.
Lloyd Banks 2nd the motion. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer Karen Rodowicz reported we opened a new 5% CD at First Citizens Bank in the amount of $77,000.
Diane DiMaio announced that 1748 Brookside was the 2nd Quarter 2024 Beautification winner.
ike Clark reported scanning 2,001 of our HOA long stored paper documents for the HOA covering all Additions since we started keeping records.
Ed Chesney stated that HOA Attorney Anne Hathorn will attend our annual meeting scheduled for April 17th, 2024. Following the annual meeting, Attorney Hathorn will compose a cover letter for the membership package the Board intends to send out in follow up attempt to consolidate our Association Deed Restrictions. The last vote narrowly failed, being only 20+ votes short. Feedback from residents was that the last attempt was confusing, so they chose not to vote.
No early voting on the consolidation will take place at the Annual Meeting.Rodney Finke has a meeting scheduled with an electrician he/we hope will secure the permits we need to complete the lighting of Shady Bluff and Avocado entrance monuments.
Jake Stowers discussed the news of recent stop work order(s) issued by Pinellas County for the property located at 4052 Harbor Hills Drive. In addition, it was discussed that HOA approval (1st Addition Section 4 of the Deed Restrictions) is required for exterior alterations, such as eliminating the existing garage for conversion into additional living space. It was agreed that our HOA attorney would send a registered letter to the property owner found to be in violation.
It was also discussed that Rodney Finke and Jake Stowers will review and bring to the Board as a whole any requests received by property owners intending to properly Permit their improvements per their Deed Restrictions.
Ed Chesney confirmed that He, Joe Navarro, Karen Rodowicz and Lloyd Banks were all up for re-election this year, at the Annual Meeting.
Mike Clark made motion to adjourn. Lloyd Banks 2nd motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.
Board of directors meeting MINUTES 2/21/2024
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Jake Stowers at 6:30 PM
Members Present were Jake Stowers, Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro, Lloyd Banks, Russ Argus and Karen Rodowicz
Absent: Rodney Finke
Residents in attendance: Janine Terragnoli
No comments by resident
Mike Clark made a motion to approve the minutes for January 17th, 2024.
Ed Chesney 2nd the motion. Minutes were approved.
The treasurer reported $30,353.18 in account.
72 homeowners have not paid dues for 2024
The treasurer discussed moving CD that is maturing to Citizens Bank to earn 5% interest. The Board decided to approve the move to Citizens Bank.
Diane DiMaio stated she delivered welcome plants to 5 new residents.
Mike Clark reported scanning 1952 documents.
Jake Stowers explained the history of the deed restrictions and the reason for consolidation into one document for the resident attending the meeting.
Ed Chesney stated that the new paperwork given to residents should state that we are correcting verbiage, not changing any policy, while also explaining the reason why previous changes were not recorded properly over the years.
The Board will have a draft of the letter at the annual meeting scheduled for April 17th.
Ed Chesney will ask the Board’s attorney if residents in attendance can vote on the changes at the annual meeting.
Jake Stowers stated that the Board will be working with a new electrician to install lighting for the entrances and pull the permits.
The Harbor Hills Spring Yard sale will be scheduled for March 16, 2024.
Next meeting is scheduled for March 20th, 2024.
Annual meeting April 17th, 2024
Mike Clark made motion to adjourn. Karen Rodowicz 2nd motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm.
Board of directors meeting MINUTES 1/17/2024
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Jake Stowers at 6:30 PM
Members Present were Jake Stowers, Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro, Lloyd Banks, Rodney Finke and Karen Rodowicz
Absent: Russ Argus
Residents in attendance: Mary Timmons, Dan Timmons, Wes Eubanks, and Karen Hanzal
Mary Timmons mentioned that house numbers need to be more visible on residents homes. Karen Rodowicz stated she will include this issue in the notice for the annual meeting.
Ed Chesney made a motion to approve the minutes for December 20, 2023.
Mike Clark 2nd the motion. Minutes were approved.
The Board discussed the following changes to the 2024 budget:
Insurance – Increase from $9,000 to $12,000
Awards/Gifts/Hospitality – Increase from $1,000 to $1,500
Legal and Professional fees – Decrease from $10,000 to $5,000
Diane DiMaio awarded 1873 Clearwater Harbor Dr as 1st 2024 quarter beautification winner. 3 new homeowners plants will be delivered next month.
Mike Clark reported scanning 1878 documents.
Jake Stowers explained the history of the deed restrictions and the reason for consolidation into one document.
Ed Chesney stated the need to not make changes to any of the 3 deed restriction and try and pass as they are now. After the restriction are passed and become one document for all divisions of Harbor Hills, then we can make changes to update the document.
Ed Chesney will contact our attorney to proceed with the paperwork on the documents.
Rodney Finke made a motion to approve. Ed 2nd the motion. Motion
Rodney Finke has contacted the electrician and is waiting on the permit.
Rodney made a motion to approve the monies for the lights and landscaping out of a special reserve fund. Mike Clark 2nd motion. Motion was approved.
Rodney Finke discussed the issue of new signage for no soliciting ,a new bird sanctuary sign and new monthly meeting signs for Harbor Hills. Karen Rodowicz made a motion to approve purchasing the new signage. Rodney Finke 2nd the motion. Motion approved.
Llyod Banks mentioned voting on new officers for the Board. He will address this at the next meeting.
The Harbor Hills Spring Yard sale will be scheduled for March 16, 2024.
Next meeting is scheduled for February 21st, 2024.
Annual meeting April 17
Mike Clark made motion to adjourn. Lloyd Banks 2nd motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:17 pm.
Board of directors meeting 12/20/2023 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by Vice President Ed Chesney at 6:47 PM
Members Present were Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro, and Karen Rodowicz
Absent: Russ Argus, Rodney Finke, Jake Stowers and Lloyd Banks
No residents in attendance
Joe Navarro made motion to approve November 2023 minutes. Karen Rodowicz 2nd motion Minutes were approved.
Karen Rodowicz reported the checking account amount at $35,382.00.
The Board discussed increasing line-item costs by 5% for the 2024 budget to keep up with inflation.
Diane DiMaio presented 1873 Clearwater Harbor Dr as 1st 2024 quarter beautification winner.
Winners of the homeowners’ holiday block decorations were as follows:
4293 Harbor Hills, 1763 Clearwater Habor Dr, 1765 Harbor Cir E, 1836 Harbor Cir W, 4197 Harbor Cir S, 3925 McKay Creek, 1769 Brookside, 3725 Avocado, 36 72 High Bluffs, 3487 Shady Bluffs, 1369 Hill Dr, and 3747 Orchard Grove Lane
Mike Clark reported scanning 1857 documents to date.
Ed Chesney proposed tabling the matter until next month when all board members were in attendance. The board members present agreed.
Entrance way lighting project is still under discussion with an electrician who will start work in the 1st quarter of 2024. The Board has already approved a budget for this work.
Ed Chesney discussed a call he had received from a homeowner on Avocado wanting to get approval for decorative corner fencing on his property. Ed stated that the fencing did not violate the Deed Restrictions, so he will contact the homeowner to inform him that the board does not need to approve this work.
Karen mentioned that she will ask for volunteers to join the Board in the dues letter.
Next meeting is scheduled for January 17th, 2024.
Annual meeting TBD
Ed Chesney made the motion to adjourn. Mike Clark 2nd motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:22 pm.
Board of directors meeting 11/15/2023 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Stowers ,at 6:24 PM.
Members Present were: Jake Stowers, Lloyd Banks,, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro, Karen Rodowicz, Rodney Finke & Ed Chesney
Absent: Diane DiMaio, Russ Argus
None in attendance
Minutes of the BoardMtg of 10/18/2023 had previously been distributed, for review. Motion made by Rodney Finke and duly seconded and was approved unanimously .
Karen Rodowiez, Treasurer reported the balance of the C/A as of 10/31/23 was $12,043.04. The 2 Reserve Accounts are savings accounts:are approximately $7,000 for entrances. The general reserve S/A of $15,012 and a CD of $75,000 There are 9 properties past due for 2022 dues and 1 over 2 years past due.
No report. It was the unanimous consensus of the board to repeat the best holiday decorations by block awards for 2023.
Mike Clark reported that 1,828 documents had been scanned.
Rodney Finke reported that he had received one offer to complete electrical work for upgrading & connecting the power for the lights. The quote was in excess of $15,000 which was excessive and indicated they didn't want to do the job.
Another contractor stated they would due the job for cost plus if we could wait until Jan 2024 which was estimated to be about $5,000.
It was moved by Lloyd Banks and duly seconded to accept that proposal. Motion Carried
Jake Stowers ask each of the board members to review the Deed Restrictions of HH, to consider as the model for adoption by the 1st & 3rd Additions. He noted that some modification would be necessary i.e.: beefing up #17; sticking the last line of #1; Addilng a provision to allow storage of boats limited to 72 hours for trip preparation & creating a definition of a camper/RV.
The annual meeting is targeted for Feb. 2024
Members discussed the proposed Christmas Party. It was the consensus that the past parties focused on the kids: hayride, hamburgers & hot dogs that brought the parents & grandparents. Poor attendance at annual meetings, not being within the subdivision, & no kid activities would foretell a very poor turnout.
It was the consensus if the board that association not host a party this year.
The next board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 12/20/2023.
By consensus the meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.
October 18,2023 MINUTES
Meeting was called to order by President, Jake Stowers at 6:30 PM
Members Present were Jake Stowers ,Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Lloyd Banks, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro, Rodney Finke and Karen Rodowicz
Absent: Russ Argus
No residents in attendance
Jake Stowers made motion to August 2023 special meeting minutes. Karen Rodowicz 2nd motion
Minutes were approved.
Karen Rodowicz reported the checking account amount at $30,846.00
9 homeowners are past due for a year’
1 homeowner is past due for 2 years.
Rodney Finke made motion to approve treasurers report.
Lloyd Banks 2nd motion.
Diane DiMaio selected 4419 Harbor Hills as 4th quarter beautification winner.
4 new homeowners received welcome baskets this month.
3774 Avocado Rd 3914 McKay Creek Dr
3654 Avocado Rd 4019 McKay Creek Circle
Rodney Finke reported that the electrician is waiting to complete the work at the entrances, but needs for Duke Energy to repond.to our request for lighting.
Mike Clark reported scanning 1779 documents.
Ed Chesney discussed his conversation with our attorney regarding not having enough votes to consolidate the deed restrictions. The association attorney stated that the issue for disparities was the filing of HHPOA changes over the years were only recorded under Harbor Hills, and not including the 1st and 3rd additions as well.
Jake Stowers wrote a letter that will be sent to all homeowners, except L Block,
stating that we will again strive to receive a super majority of votes in order to clean up the deed restrictions.
Ed Chesney said the Dial Directories will be distributed to most homeowners by John and Barbara Koroknay.
Karen Rodowicz will distribute the books on Hill Drive.
Karen Rodowicz will post on the HHPOA website and FB our need of a host for the 2023 Christmas party. If no resident responds, the Board discussed having Christmas cookies and punch at the next board meeting, December 20th, 2023.
Rodney Finke made motion to adjourn. Mike Clark 2nd motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:19 pm.
August 14, 2023 MINUTES
Meeting was called to order by President, Jake Stowers at 6:30 PM
Members Present were Jake Stowers ,Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Lloyd Banks, Mike Clark, Rodney Finke, Joe Navarro and Karen Rodowicz
Absent: Russ Argus
Homeowners in attendance – Dave and Mary Tarter, and Mary Timmons
Dave and Mary Tarter attended the meeting to discuss the issue of rental property and to learn more about the HHPOA rules and regulations.
Mary Timmons discussed the issue of missing house numbers on residences in the neighborhood. She mentioned the issue of packages being delivered to the wrong
After discussion, Jake Stowers decided that Karen Rodowicz would post on our website, the need for homeowners to have their house numbers clearly marked in some manner.
Jake updated the board on the number of votes received.
Ed discussed our next steps which would be for him to meet again with our attorney regarding the vote count.
Karen Rodowicz will be sending a final email 8/10/2023 to those homeowners who have still not voted.
Rodney Finke reported on the status of the entrances. He is going to call a different electrician to look at the wiring that needs to be done.
Landscaping of the entrances is on hold until the wiring is completed.
Jake Stowers discussed the date of the next board meeting because the Board does not usually meet in August, but needed to regarding the deadline for voting on amendments. Mike Clark made a motion for the next board meeting to be scheduled for October 18th. Rodney Finke 2nd the motion.
The annual yard sale date will be October 14th.
Karen Rodowicz mentioned that the balance in checking account is $15,109.54
Dues report – 12 homeowners are past due 1 year
1 homeowner is past due 2 years.
Jake Stowers stated that he would like the annual meeting to be held in January 2024.
Ed Chesney mentioned that there is no date set for publication of the Dial Directories book, but hopes it would be by the end of this year.
Board Meeting 7/14/23 MINUTES
Meeting was called to order by President, Jake Stowers at 6:30 PM
Members Present were Jake Stowers ,Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Lloyd Banks, Mike Clark, Russ Argus and Karen Rodowicz
Absent: Joe Navarro and Rodney Finke
Homeowners in attendance – Susan Collins
Mike Clark made motion to approve June 2023 minutes. Ed Chesney 2nd motion
Minutes were approved.
Karen Rodowicz reported the checking account amount at $33,485.06
Diane DiMaio selected 3733 McKay Creek as 3rd quarter beautification winner.
Nomination for 4th quarter award will be 4436 Clearwater Harbor Dr South
5 new homeowners reported and will be receiving welcome baskets this month.
Ed Chesney reported that Duke Energy has completed the work at the
entrances. Need update from Rodney Finke on lighting/electrical aspect.
Mike Clark reported scanning 1700 documents.
Karen Rodowicz reported that we currently have 206 votes from homeowners on approval for the additions to the by-laws.
267 votes are needed to approve amendments.
Susan Collins, homeowner and present at the meeting, said she would volunteer to contact her neighbors who had not voted.
Ed Chesney suggested to extend the annual meeting recess for 2 additional weeks to work on getting the additional votes.
Karen Rodowicz will send an email again to those homeowners who have not voted. Jake Stowers requested each board member contact homeowners who live near by to sign the proxy ballot.
Ed Chesney made a motion to meet on August 9th. Mike Clark 2nd the motion.
Karen Rodowicz will contact City of Belleair Bluffs to see if the room is available.
Ed Chesney said the Dail Directories new edition will need to be delayed to hopefully included the updated bylaws.
Ed Chesney made motion to adjourn. Mike Clark 2nd motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:06 pm.
Board of directors meeting 6/14/2023 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Stowers ,at 6:30 PM.
Members Present were: Jake Stowers, Lloyd Banks,, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro, Karen Rodowicz and Ed Chesney
Absent: Diane DiMaio, Russ Argus & Rodney Finke
None in attendance
Minutes of the BoardMtg of 4/23/2023 had previously been distributed, for review. Motion made by Mike Clark and duly seconded and was approved unanimously .
Karen Rodowiez, Treasurer reported the balance of the C/A as of 6/14/23 was $18,065.56. The 2 Reserve Accounts are savings accounts: are approximately $7,000 for entrances and $90,000 general reserve. There are 16 properties past due for 2022 dues and 1 over 2 years past due.
There was discussion on current interest rates available on CDs. It was the consensus of the Board that it was time to place part of the funds into a CD. It was moved by Lloyd Banks and duly seconded that $75,000 be invested in a CD under the most favorable term available at the discretion of the Treasurer. Motion Carried
Joe Navarro reported the he & Rodney Finke had completed the repairs to the Avocado entrance. Rodney Finke had Kevin Dryer Tree Service trim the palm trees at all of entrances and has submitted their bill for the charges.
Ed Chesney stated he would repaint the repairs on the monument header.
The electrical work for upgrading & connecting the power for the lights at the entrances is still in processes.
Jake Stowers stated the installation of the new stone ground cover is on hold until completion of the electrical work
It was moved by Lloyd Banks & 2nd by Karen Rodowicz that Joe & Rodney be rewarded with $75.00 gift cards for saving the Association $500 - $1,000 for completing repairs. Motion Carried
Ed Chesney reported the new directories is scheduled for Sept of 2023 to allow time for completion of the Re-Certification
Jake Stowers had Karen Rodowicz give the latest tally on ballots received 155 Yes 3 No.
After discussion on how to improve member response it was the consensus that a follow-up letter with a ballot only be sent to all who had not responded. Board member were encourage to make as many personal contacts as possible.
Ed Chesney stated he would work on the draft of the letter to be forward to board members for their input.
Mike Clark reported he has scanned 1,649 documents.
With the unopposed re-election of all incumbent directors the Association Officers must be re-elected by the board. It was moved by Lloyd Banks & 2nd by Mike Clark that the following officers be re-elected.
PRESIDENT: Jake Stowes
TREASURER: Karen Rodowicz
Approved unanimously .
The July Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 7/19/2023.
The meeting was adjourned @ 7:15PM by motion made by Mike Clark & duly seconded.
Board of Directors Annual Meeting 5/17/2023 Minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by Vice President Ed Chesney at 6:35 PM
Members Present: Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Lloyd Banks, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro, Russ Argus and Karen Rodowicz
Anne Hathorn, HHPOA Board Attorney
Members absent: Jake Stowers, Rodney Finke
40 households were in attendance, establishing a Quorum.
Ed Chesney waived reading of the last annual meeting minutes from 2022.
Lloyd Banks made a motion to accept the waiver.
Russ Argus 2nd motion.
Karen Rodowicz presented her Treasurers Report.
Treasures report approved unanimously. The 2023-2024 Budget was approved by the membership quorum.
Ed Chesney stated there would be no increase in Association Dues for 2023.
Recertification of Harbor Hills Subdivision 3rd Addition Deed Restrictions had been accomplished.
Ed Chesney explained the reasoning for consolidating all 3 subdivision additions into one Conformed Document. Anne Hathorn, attorney for the Board discussed in more detail the process of consolidating the documents. She addressed questions from homeowners about the differences in the documents. Anne stated that the Association Membership would need 66 and 2/3 (super majority) vote to approve the consolidation of the 3 Declaration of Amended and Restated Covenants and Restrictions of Harbor Hills Property Owners Association Exhibits A, B and C.
At the time of the meeting, the tabulation results were 137 yes and 3 no.
Ed Chesney discussed the improvements currently underway. Electric pedestals for the new service meters have now been installed by Duke Energy. This will allow the Association to contract and install the new meter cans and wiring for the pedestals. After that, Duke Energy will energize the meters. Following this, new LED lights will be installed along with landscape rocks and boarders. The monuments themselves will be refreshed as some general maintenance is required.
Ed Chesney discussed the CRITICAL need for volunteers and new Board members to fulfill the needs and wants of the Membership.
Ballots forms were distributed to all voting households in attendance.
Current Board members on the ballot were: Jake Stowers, Diane DiMaio, Russ Argus and Rodney Finke. All four members won reappointment.
The issue of short-term vacation rentals was discussed in great detail. Many of these rentals do not abide by all the HHPOA rules and Pinellas County code restrictions.
Attorney Anne Hathorn addressed the concerns and explained the State and County laws.
Ed Chesney stated that the Board is working to try and monitor what residences are now short-term rentals. The Board is also trying to verify that the notices of the management company of these short-term rentals is posted at each residence, so if there are issues, everyone will know who to contact.
Attorney Anne Hathorn stated that the Board can call to recess the meeting since we did not get the required number of members to support the proposed amendments, for up to 90 days with a date certain to reconvene, and therefore not require any additional mailings to the membership on the topic up for vote. This will allow the Board to try and obtain the additional votes needed to approve consolidation of the deed restrictions.
Lloyd Banks made motion to approve the recess.
Russ Argus 2nd the motion.
The Board approved to recess until July 19th, 2023.
Board of directors meeting 4/19/2023 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President, Jake Stowers at 6:30 PM
Members Present were Jake Stowers, Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Lloyd Banks, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro and Rodney Finke and Karen Rodowicz
and Russ Argus
Homeowner Susan Collins was in attendance. Susan discussed getting the
approval of the Board for an additional streetlight in her area. The pole is already existing, so only the light needs approval. Rodney Finke made a motion to approve. Karen Rodowicz 2nd the motion. Motion was approved.
Lloyd Banks made motion to approve March 15, 2023, minutes. Rodney Finkey 2nd motion. Minutes were approved.
Karen Rodowicz reported the HOA checking account amount at $33,357.00.
Mike Clark made a motion to approve. Diane DiMaio 2nd motion.
Treasures report approved.
Karen mentioned that homeowners must be in good standing; no outstanding unpaid dues, for their vote to count at the annual meeting in May.
Diane DiMaio selected 3749 Avocado as 2nd quarter beautification winner.
3 new homeowners will be receiving welcome baskets this month.
Brian, who is doing the landscaping and maintenance of the entrances gave Jake a sampling of the different stones for the entrances. The Board reviewed the samples at the meeting. Rodney Finke made a motion to approve the zebra stone. Karen Rodowicz 2nd the motion. Motion was approved.
Rodney Finke stated that he has made progress for getting the lights at the
entrances of Shady Bluffs and High Bluffs. The pedestals will be paid for by the HOA. The Board decided to hold off on new landscaping until the lights are in place.
Jake reviewed the letter that will be sent to homeowners regarding the annual meeting on May 17th. The Board decided on 3 changes to the letter.
The first change was to amend the last paragraph to state, if you have any questions, please contact the Board through our website. Second, bold the heading of the letter to state “Required Response to Annual Meeting.”
Third, add to letter stating that our association attorney will be present for any legal questions you may have. The Annual Meeting will be held on May 17th, 2023.
Mike has already scanned 1,557 documents of the HOA stored documents
Mike Clark made the motion to adjourn. Karen Rodowicz 2nd motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.
Board of directors meeting 3/15/2023 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President, Jake Stowers at 6:30 PM
Members Present were Jake Stowers ,Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Lloyd Banks, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro and Rodney Finke and Karen Rodowicz
Absent: Russ Argus
No residents were present
Lloyd Banks made motion to approve February 15, 2023 minutes. Ed Chesney 2nd motion Minutes were approved.
Karen Rodowicz reported the checking account amount at $32,763.10
Rodney Fike made motion to approve. Ed Chesney 2nd motion.
Treasures report approved.
Diane DiMaio will select 2nd quarter beautification winner. No new
homeowners reported for receiving welcome basket this month.
Brian who is doing the landscaping and maintenance of the entrances gave Jake a sampling of the different stones for the entrances. Jake will review and
discuss at the next meeting.
Rodney Finke met with an electrician who will be installing pedestals for the lights and meters for the entrances. Once that is completed, the paperwork will be given to Duke Energy in order to restore lighting to the entrances.
Jake read parts of the document entitled Declaration of Amended and Restated Covenants and Restrictions of Harbor Hills Property Owners Association, Inc. from our attorney that he felt needed to be discussed with the Board.
Changes were made and the document will be revised by the attorney. All changes were approved unanimously by the Board.
The 1st and 3rd additions were reviewed by Board members.
Jake Stowers mentioned that our attorney will send a letter and additional paperwork to the 3rd addition Homeowners.
Karen Rodowicz reported we currently have 7 ads on the webpage.
Jake Stowers made a motion to include a cover letter with the annual meeting notice sent to homeowners.
Lloyd Banks 2nd the motion
The Board confirmed that the date for the Spring Yard sale is April 1, 2023.
Mike has scanned 1473 documents
Next Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 19th, 2023
Jake Stowers made motion to adjourn. Rodney Finke 2nd motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:28 pm.
Board of directors meeting 2/15/2023 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President, Jake Stowers at 6:30 PM
Members Present were Jake Stowers ,Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Lloyd Banks, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro and Rodney Finke and Karen Rodowicz
Absent: Russ Argus
Ed Chesney made motion to approve January18, 2023 minutes. Mike Clark 2nd motion
Minutes were approved.
Karen Rodowicz reported the checking account amount at $26,945.96
2/3rds of dues are paid.
Jake made motion to approve. Rodney Finke 2nd motion.
Treasures report approved.
Diane DiMaio selected the homeowner at 3518 High Bluff the 1st quarter 2023 beautification winner.
Brian who is doing the landscaping and maintenance of the entrances mentioned to Jake about updating the entrances with stones instead of mulch,
Additional plants and a border. The Board discussed the issue and agreed that it should be done.
Jake read parts of the document from our attorney that he felt were not needed.
He also mentioned that the MOU was not included in the document sent by the attorney. Jake said he ask our attorney if we are able to send the 1st and 3rd additions separately avoiding the need to send both additions to each homeowner.
Karen mentioned she has some new businesses to input on webpage. She also mentioned that @95% of residents have visited the site.
Ed Chesney mentioned that some positions on the board may be up for reelection. He will follow up and create ballot for those positions.
Ed Chesney said he will call Dial Directories to ask them to delay printing this year until we have the bylaws updated.
The Board decided that the date for the Spring Yard sale will be April 1, 2023.
Ed Chesney mentioned that he is making progress with Duke Energy to restore lighting to the entrances of Shady Bluffs and High Bluffs.
Mike has scanned 1339 documents
Rodney Finke made motion to adjourn. Mike Clark 2nd motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:26 pm.
Board of directors meeting 1/18/2023 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Stowers ,at 6:30 PM.
Members Present were: Jake Stowers, Lloyd Banks,, Rodney Finke, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro,and Ed Chesney
Absent: Diane DiMaio, Russ Argus & Karen Rodowicz
None in attendance
Minutes of the Board Mtg of 12/14/2022 had previously been distributed, for review. By Motion made by Rodney Finke to approve and 2nd by Ed Chesney were unanimously Approved
Karen Rodowiez Treasurer submitted copies of the running budget as of 12 /31/22 showing checking account balance of $9,202. Special Reserve for entrances of $6,965. There are 3 property past due for 2022 dues.
Members discussed proposed 2023 Budget and approved it be presented to the membership at the next annual meeting.
Ed Chesney advised he has a meeting with the Duke Energy sub-contractor scheduled for next Tuesday on Jan 24th regarding power & meters for the High Bluff & Shady Bluff entrances.
Rodney Finke stated he has contracted with an electoral contractor for upgrading & connecting the power for the lights the service is connecter by Duke.
Buy consensus the board had previously approved the date in March for the Spring Garage sale. Ed Chesney will follow up with Karen on the exact date.
The board acknowledged Chuck Holloway efforts to clean up the entrances at Hight Bluff Drive.
The Subdivision Yard Sale is scheduled for March as previously planned .
No Report
No proposed increase in Dues.
Due to matters discussed it was the consensus of the Board that the Annual meeting be deferred to February or March 2023HARBOR HILLS PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION MEETING MINUTES
Board of directors meeting 11/16/2022 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President ,at 6:31 PM.
Members Present were: Jake Stowers, Lloyd Banks,, Rodney Finke, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro, and Karen Rodowicz
Absent: Diane DiMaio, Russ Argus, Ed Chesney
None in attendance
Minutes of the Board Mtg of 10/19/2022 had previously been distributed, and reviewed & discussed. Motion made by Mike Clark to approve and 2nd by Karen Rodowicz was unanimously approved
Karen Rodowicz Treasurer distributed copies of the running budget as of 10/31/22 showing checking account balance $14,122. Special Reserve for entrances of $6,965. There are 2 properties past due for 2022 dues.
Members discussed proposed changes for specific budget line items with a proposed 2023 Budget to be review at the next meeting.
Jake Stowers distributed copies of the landscaping maintenance proposal from Brian’s Lawn Care Service, Inc. of twice monthly during growing season $360/ month & $180/ month in off months for all 6 entrances. Any extras : mulching, planting will be billed separately .
Rodney Finke stated he had a quote for new electric units at a cost of $1,800.
Buy unanimous consensus the board approved moving ahead with both.
The board acknowledged Chuck Holloway efforts to clean up the entrances at Hight Bluff Drive.
The Subdivision Yard Sale was held on Oct 16th and was well attended.
The Associations Christmas Partly has been scheduled for 12/9/2022 hosted by Rodney Finke.
By consensus the Best Holiday Decorations Awards by Street will be repeated as requested by Diane Dimiao
It was also agreed to purchase new holiday wreaths or light the existing ones.
It was moved by Lloyd Banks & duly seconded that Chuck Holloway be given a gift certificate of $50 for cleaning up the Hill Drive entrances. Motion Carried
No proposed increase in Due.
Due to matters discussed it was the consensus of the Board that the Annual meeting be deferred to February or March 2023
Jake Stowers reported that upon consultation with our attorney that due to errant legal advice previous changes to the Deed Restriction amendment were improperly adopted because there was no provision for modification. Therefore any amendments default to the requirements under FS 721 which requires approval of 2/3 of the property owners in both HH 1st & 3rd Additions. This approval must be in writing with property owners identified, which will required to be mailed to each owner. By mailing the revised identical Deed Restrictions to both additions, it will be the same & will contain a provision for future amendments at an annual meeting or special meeting for that purpose with 30 day advance written notice of the changes. HHPOA will request the attorney to make the 3rd addition like the 1st addition with the changes we made last year
Mike Clark reported he has scanned 1,035 documents.
None except previously discussed
The December Board meeting is Re- scheduled for Dec 14, 2022 because of the Holiday
The meeting was adjourned @ 7:26PM by motion made by Lloyd Banks & duly seconded.
Board of directors meeting 10/19/2022 minutes
Meeting was called to order by President Jake Stowers at 6:30 PM
Members Present were Jake Stowers, Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Lloyd Banks, Joe Navarro, Russ Argus and Karen Rodowicz
Absent: Mike Clark and Rodney Finke
Homeowners present: Brad Fletcher
Brad Fletcher voiced concern over other homeowners in his area violating the deed
restrictions. Jake Stowers explained that the homeowners in the L block are not part of the HHPOA at this time. Jake mentioned that the homeowners association would like to include this area and we will have further discussions on this topic.
Treasurer reported the checking account amount at $16,664.15
Only 2 outstanding dues at this time
Lloyd Banks made a motion to approve minutes. Karen Rodowicz 2nd the motion.
Minutes were approved.
Diane DiMaio reported that the homeowners, Kristen and Zachery Pettit at 1669 Clearwater Harbor Dr were the 4th quarter beautification recipients.
Mike Clark was absent, so no update to record at this time.
Ed Chesney reported that the paperwork was completed. Ed will contact our attorney to follow up.
TBD. Jake will contact Rodney to discuss date and time in December.
Annual meeting - Jake Stowers mentioned offering incentives, such as $100 to the 50th homeowner at the next annual meeting.
Entrance ways – Jake Stowers has spoken to a landscaper who is willing to redo and maintain the entrance ways. The charge will be $180 per month.
Also the lighting of the entrance ways need to be updated. Llyod Banks made motion to move forward with updates. Karen Rodowicz 2nd the motion. Motion approved.
Yard Sale is October 22, 2022
Russ Argus made motion to adjourn. Karen Rodowicz 2nd the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 7:16 pm.
Board of directors meeting 8/17/2022 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by Vice President Ed Chesney at 6:30 PM
Members Present were Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Lloyd Banks, Mike Clark, Joe Navarro, Rodney Finke and Karen Rodowicz
Absent: Russ Argus and Jake Stowers
Homeowners present: Judy Cole, Bill & Linda Hess, Chuck & Lynn Holloway, Charlie Holzler, Venessa Savas and Debbie Pertile
Mike Clark made motion to approve July 20, 2022 minutes. Rodney Finke 2nd motion Minutes were approved.
Treasurer reported the checking account amount at $18,628.55
6 dues still owed for 2022
1 due for 2 years
Karen Rodowicz informed the board that our checking account had been breached again. Karen discussed the possibility of changing banks since this was the second time. Decision was not made to change banks at this time.
Several mentioned a concern with the maintenance of the entrances which includes the lightening, the landscaping and the accumulation of trash and debris.
Ed mentioned that he had contacted Duke Energy about installing meters at the entrances, but he has not had a response from them on this matter.
Also, Jake Stowers is speaking to a landscaper about maintaining the entrances.
Rodney Finke made a motion to contact an electrician. Karen Rodowicz 2nd the motion.
Ed Chesney stated that we have 58 completed packages with signatures as of August 17, 2022. We would like to have 60 in case any are rejected.
Friday, August 19, the completed packages will be sent by Fedex to Tallahassee.
Mike Clark has scanned 720 documents.
Next meeting will be held October 19, 2022
Meeting Minutes 6/15/2022
The Harbor Hills Board of Directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd.,
Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Opening: Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:30 PM
Roll Call: Members Present were Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Lloyd Banks,
Jake Stowers, Rodney Finke, Karen, Rodowicz, Mike Clark and Russ Argus.
Absent: Joe Navarro
Homeowner attendees: Judy Cole, Greg Runey and 1 other.
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Rodney Finke made motion to approve minutes. Jake Stowers 2
nd the motion and it passed unanimously.
Treasure’s Report
Treasurer reported the checking account balance is $22,990.42
Karen discussed the CHASE account being hacked and the steps taken to correct
the issue. The topic of raising the rates for estoppels to the amount allowed by the state was discussed.
After discussion, the Board agreed to raise the rate from $125 to $250 for regular
service and to $300 for expediting an estoppel. This follows all State Guidelines
and Regulations. Rodney Finke made the motion to increase the rates, Lloyd
Banks 2nd motion. Passed unanimously.
Resident Comments
Greg Runey questioned why the HHPOA cannot consider an AirBNB a business which is not allowed in the by-laws. Jake Stowers explained that the definition of a business in unincorporated Pinellas County do not need a business
license. We also discussed the by-laws definition is one that has active customers and daily trip generations. He also asked about solicitation within the community. Ed said that it clearly states it on our entrance monuments; No solicitating.
Homeowner Cole asked about when the old electric poles will be taken down.
Ed said he has no definitive date from the contractor.
She also mentioned about service workers vehicles blocking street traffic. Ed
said that it’s legal to park on the street, so HHPOA cannot address this issue.
Another homeowner questioned who gets the emails about complaints on issues. Ed said that he does and addresses them by email within 24 hours.
Beautification Diane DiMaio reported that a new 3rd quarter winner will be announced. New homeowner welcome plant baskets will now be made by Karen.
Document Scanning Project Mike Clark has currently scanned 173 archived documents currently stored in storage unit filing cabinet. He asked about sorting documents into different categories. Ed confirmed that Mike could categorize the documents in any order he felt necessary. Re-certification Update for Subdivision 3 rd Addition HOA attorney has created a packet of information for all homeowners in the 3 rd addition subdivision. Judy Cole and Jake Stowers will field questions from the 102 homeowners. 3 rd Addition Homeowners must sign and return their response back to our attorney in the return envelope provided in the packet. Packets are scheduled to be sent out Friday, June 17th . The attorney’s office must have a majority of the responses back within 90 days and then the attorney has 60 days to get the signed documents and MTRA Revitalization Application to the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO). The DEO has 30 days to approve or disapprove the revitalization
Board appointment of new officers Karen Rodowicz nominated to continue as Treasurer. Diane DiMaio nominated to continue as Secretary. Ed Chesney nominated for Vice President. Karen Rodowicz made motion; Rodney Finke 2 nd motion Jake Stowers nominated for President. Ed Chesney made motion; Karen Rodowicz 2 nd motion. Board Comments Ed introduced a form for mileage reimbursement for mileage to be used by board members. It would be submitted if member drives frequently for board business. Diane made motion to accept, Karen 2 nd motion. Vacation rental MOU Jake and Lloyd suggested revision to MOU to use for new vacation rentals. Karen offered to include Vacation Rental information and revised MOU on our website so all parties can be aware of regulations. As approved by the Board, Ed stated that he had purchased a laptop, printer and software for HHPOA business.
Next Meeting The next Board meeting is scheduled for July 20th, 2022 Adjourn Diane DiMaio made motion to adjourn. Karen Rodowicz 2 nd motion.
There was No May Meeting
Board of directors meeting 4/20/2022minutes.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:30 PM Roll Call: Members Present were Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Lloyd Banks, Jake Stowers and Joe Navarro. Absent: Russ Argus, Rodney Finke and Karen Rodowicz
Approval of Meeting Minutes Jake Stowers made motion to approve minutes. Diane DiMaio 2 nd motion, motion passed unanimously.
Treasure’s Report Treasurer reported the checking account balance is $32,105.37 33 dues still owed for 2022 2 owe for 2021 and 2022 1 has been sent to attorney for collection Treasurer has sold 2 more ads for the web site with a total of 4 that accounts for $200 of web site funds.
Member Comments Ben Bowman spoke of his concern of not signing the Vacation Rental Memorandum of Understanding document that our attorney had sent to him. He also mentioned he has purchased another property in Harbor Hills which will also be a vacation rental. He has hired a new management company for the properties, so HHOA and homeowners have access to their phone number, if any issues should arise.
Greg Runey, a new homeowner, asked about the issue of Airbnb’s in the neighborhood. Greg Runey and another new homeowner, Rick Rutowicz brought up the issue of cars exceeding the speed limit regularly on High Bluff Drive. Ed Chesney mentioned bringing this to the county’s attention. Jake Stowers mentioned getting speed signs placed within the subdivision.
Beautification Diane DiMaio reported that the homeowner of 1521 Brookside Dr was the winner of the 2 nd quarter 2022 award.
The Membership will need to vote on of our bylaws and deed restrictions that our attorney had completed back in 2019 compiling all Additions into one document. But first, the recertification of the 3 rd Addition needs to occur. Jake Stowers made motion to direct our HOA attorney to begin the recertification process for the 3 rd Addition and Lloyd Banks 2 nd the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Officers Appointments Jake Stowers suggested waiting to approve 2022 board member positions until all members were present. Ed Chesney announced that Mike Clark will now fill a vacancy on the board. Lloyd Banks made a motion to approve. Jake Stowers 2 nd motion, and the motion passed unanimously. Volunteers Mike Clark will be scanning old HOA documents from the storage unit.
Ed Chesney mentioned he has a volunteer that will update our website. Board Comments Jake Stowers brought up the subject of dredging McKay Creek. A majority of the homeowners on McKay Creek would need to approve of it because of the cost incurred to them.
Next Meeting The next Board meeting is scheduled for May 18, 2022
Adjourn Diane DiMaio made motion to adjourn. Jake Stowers 2 nd motion.
No February 2022 Meeting
Board of directors meeting 1/18/2022 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:30 PM
Roll Call:
Members Present were: Jake Stowers, Lloyd Banks, Rodney Finke, Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio, Joe Navarro and Karen Rodowicz
Absent: Russ Argus
Attendees: Michael Clark, and Todd Richard
Approval of Meeting
Board Meeting Minutes of 12/15/21 previously distributed were, reviewed & discussed. Motion to approve by Jake Stowers, 2nd by Rodney Finke. Approved.
Treasures Report
Acting Treasurer, Ed Chesney, reported the checking account balance is
$19,147.30 in business checking account as of 12/31/2021.
$90,035.92 in business savings account
$10,001.12 in premium savings account
Rodney Finke made motion to approve report; Diane DiMaio 2nd motion.
Member Comments
Mike Clark asked about what signs are acceptable at the entrances and on properties. Ed said Little League sign is acceptable because of community.
Commercial business signs are not allowed.
Beautification Awards
Diane DiMaio will be meeting with Wilcox Nursery on January 31st at the entrances to start upgrade.
Board Member Comments
Ed discussed the vacation rental property at 4434 Clearwater Harbor Dr owned by Ben Bowman. The owner has agreed to all of the terms set forth by the attorney for HHPOA.
HOA now has one property now three years behind in dues. A letter will be sent to the owner to follow up.
Jake Stowers discussed approving the bylaws at the annual meeting. Lloyd Banks mentioned about lowering the quorum number of 40 to 30 so the board can move forward with business.
New Business
Karen discussed the idea of charging $50 - $100 for businesses to advertise on the HHPOA website. She is also working on the HHPOA facebook page.
Ed reported that there will be no increase in association dues for 2022. However, Ed discussed doubling fees association fees for rental properties. Jake said that we should discuss this with our attorney.
Belleair Bluffs City Hall may be in lockdown in February so the board may not be able to meet at this location. Ed will let us know next month.
It was discussed that the annual meeting be held March 16th. Also, the date for the Spring Yard sale was set for April 23rd.
Directors and officers up for election were discussed. Karen will be treasurer for 2 years and Ed will continue as president for 2022.
Re-certification was discussed by the members of the board. Ed will follow up on this matter.
No infractions to discuss.
Rodney Finke mentioned insurance costs increased for the Christmas party.
Next Meeting
The next Board meeting is scheduled for February 16th, 2022 at 6:30 pm
Meeting by motion made by Diane DiMaio. Karen Rodowicz 2nd motion.
Board of directors meeting 12/15/2021 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:30 PM
Roll Call:
Members Present: Jake Stowers, Lloyd Banks, Russ Argus, Rodney Finke, Ed Chesney, Diane DiMaio and Joe Navarro.
Homeowner attendees: James Killebrew, Michael Clark, Karen Rodowicz, Mike DiMaio, Debbie Pertile, Susan Collins, Ben Bowman,
Approval of Meeting
Board Meeting Minutes of 10/20/21 previously distributed were, reviewed & discussed. Motion by Lloyd Banks, 2nd by Rodney Finke. Approved.
Treasures Report
Acting Treasurer, Ed Chesney, reported the bank account balances as:
$20,091.82 in business checking account as of 12/14/2021.
$90,042.25 in business savings account
$10,001.61 in premium savings account
Member Comments
Ed discussed signs placed at entrances for notices about recruiting new members and volunteers for the Board. He would like any members with IT experience to join because of the need to keep the HHPOA website updated. This is important for communicating with the homeowners on the issues.
Ed discussed going forward with the update to the entrances both with new landscaping and with lights for Shady Bluff entrance.
Rodney spoke about the time and location of the Christmas party, 12/17/2021 at 5:30 pm.
One homeowner attendee asked about a section of HH, if it was under the HHPOA rules or not. Ed said 20 lots in L Block were not under HHPOA jurisdiction.
Beautification Awards
Diane DiMaio will be giving out holiday decoration awards for each street on December 20th.
Board Member Comments
Ed discussed the vacation rental of properties in HH.
HHPOA is going to mediation to forego going forward with litigation. Jake Stowers moved the motion; 2nd by Rodney Finke.
Attendee, Susan Collins, asked why it isn’t against HHPOA rules to have short term rentals. Ed answered that state law prohibits the HHPOA from taking actions. However, vacation rentals must abide by state, and county laws.
Attendee, Ben Bowman, spoke regarding the mediation issue with the Board.
He has given the Board the property management company’s name which they can call if there are issues with the property at 4434 Clearwater Harbor Dr
New Business
Lloyd Banks brought up the issue of installing more street lights. Rodney Finke suggested contacting Duke Energy to do an evaluation. Ed Chesney agreed to contact Duke Energy. Motion moved by Rodney Finke; 2nd by Ed Chesney.
Annual meeting will be in February; time and date TBD, because of attorney reviewing HHPOA documents. Jake Stowers made motion to delay annual meeting from January to February a date uncertain; 2nd by Rodney Finke.
Ed Chesney discussed charging vacation rental properties a higher annual dues fee since their properties are income producing rentals.
Ed Chesney discussed having volunteers with various expertise, contributing to the Board, but not necessarily being an official Board member.
Karen Rodowicz expressed interest in being Treasurer. Lloyd made motion; Russ 2nd.
James Killebrew expressed an interest in a position with the Board regarding deed restrictions. Jake Stowers made motion; 2nd by Rodney Finke.
Next Meeting
The next Board meeting is scheduled for January 19th , 2022 at 6:30 pm
Meeting by motion made by Lloyd Banks. Russ Argus 2nd.
Board of directors meeting 11/17/2021
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs city hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:30 PM
Roll Call:
Members Present were Ed Chesney, Rodney Finke, Joe Navarro, and Diane DiMaio. Absent: Jake Stowers, Lloyd Banks, and Russ Argus.
Did not have quorum, so proceeded with open discussion of topics
Approval of Meeting
Board did not have quorum so did not make motion on approval of meeting minutes.
Treasures Report
Treasurer reported the checking account balance is
$ 20, 913.31 in business account
$ 90, 040.27 in business savings CD
$10, 001.44 in business savings account
Member Comments
Ed approved of Joe getting signs for volunteers for HHOA.
Rodney will call Duke Energy about installing meters at Shady Bluff and Avocado entrances for lights.
Ed and Joe will get together after Thanksgiving to discuss icloud technology for board
Diane will contact Wilcox Nursery about landscaping entrances without irrigation
XMAS Party
Rodney reminded members of new date, December 17th for party
Board Member Comments
Next meeting set for December 15th at 6:30
Deed Restrictions
Other Old Business
None at this time
New Business
No new business at this time
Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for December 15, 2021
Not needed; no quorum
Board of directors meeting 10/20/2021 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd.,
Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Opening: Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:31 PM.
Roll Call: Members Present were: Jake Stowers, Lloyd Banks, Russ Argus, Rodney
Finke, Mike Gheradini, and Joe Navarro, Absent Diane DiMaio
Members in
Chris Tasillo, 4447 Clearwater Harbor Dr.
Judith Cole, 1850 Clearwater Harbor Dr.
Karen Rodowicz, 1388 Hill Dr.
Mike Clark, 1400 Indian Rocks Rd
Approval of
Minutes of the Board Mtg of 2/19/2021 that had previously been distributed,
were reviewed & discussed. Motion made by Rodney Finke to
approve and 2nd by Jake Stowers, and were unanimously approved.
Rental Update
Ed Chesney explained the Association’s action efforts to resolve the
continuing violations of the Deed Restrictions, Zoning, Bed Tax &
County ordinances governing Vacation Rentals by renting the property
thru AirB&B or any other online platform.
1. The owner (Ben Bowman who lives in Tenn.) failed to respond to the
call & notice for a Mediation Meeting within the required 20 days.
2. The Association is preparing to file a lawsuit using a Litigation
Attorney: Jeff Liesell, who was recommended by the Association
3. The property has an open Pinellas County case citation for a Zoning
Violation with an outstanding fine .
4. A hearing before the county Magistrate for Code Enforcement is
being scheduled to review the facts of issues where the
documentation will be presented. The logs of the complaints including
Sheriff Reports, Noise Recordings are being collected by adjacent
property owners: Judy Cole, Chris Tasillo & Lloyd Hayes.
Ed Cheseny, as acting Treasurer distributed copies of the bank
accounts showing checking account balance $22,304.96 as of 10/20/21.
Reserve account balance of $90,038.13 and Special Reserve for
entrances of $10,001.28. Also distributed were the YTD vs Budget thru
9/30/21 with a surplus of $16,681.
February 2021 Draft Minutes:
Board of directors meeting February 24, 2021.
Meeting held on patio of HHPOA President
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney@ 6:15PM
Roll Call:
Members Present were: Lloyd Banks, Mike Gherardini, Joe Navarro, Monica Lanier,, Ed Chesney, Jake Stowers, Russ Argus
Absent:, Rodney Flinke & Diane Dimiao
Association Members present: Steve Lanier
Election of Board Officers
Due to the restriction caused by the virus the Association was unable to hold its Annual Meeting; with the concurrence of all of the officers & directors to remain as previously elected the Board by Motion of Jake Stowers ratified the continuation of the directors & the following Officers for 2021:
President - Ed Chesney
Vice President - Mike Gherardini
Secretary - Diane Dimiao
Treasurer - Monica Lanier
Motion Carried
Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes:
Minutes of Board Meeting 12/19/20 & 1/20/21 were previously distributed to all board members with revisions. It was moved by Jake Stowers and duly seconded to approve both minutes as written & unanimously carried, subject to verification of the amount of funds show in the Treasures Report. Monica stated the amount of funds transferred to the new accounts @ Chase on 3/12/2020 was $113,781.46.
Treasures Report:
Monica Lanier, Treasurer reported the checking account had a balance of $29,988.75 as of 2/17/2021. There are 5 dues accounts past due for 2020 & 63 dues accounts 2021. There is now $90,019 95 in the general reserve S/A & $10,000 in the restricted S/A for maintaining the entrances.
Treasure Monica Lanier updated the Board on her pending move to SC & she would be available to assist through the end of March. Her home will be up for sale as of March 1st. In anticipation of her leaving she broth all of her record which President Chesney accepted. She also provided detailed instruction on information pending and the operating procedures.
The Board profusely thanks her for her service & a job well done.
President Chesney advised the he & Lloyd Banks will functioning as Acting Treasurers until the new board member & Treasurer are appointed.
Deed Restriction Issues
VP Gherardini the were only two outstanding deed restriction infraction:
1. 3478 Shady Bluff Drive — Parked Recreational Camper
2. 3925 McKay Creek Drive — Parking of Recreational Camper
Both have been contacted & put on notice to comply with the deed restriction.
Spring Yard Sale:
Due to a conflict with the Easter Holiday weekend the date of the Spring Yard Sale was Changed to April 17,2021.
Next Meeting
No future meeting was scheduled at this time
It was moved by Jake Stower & duly seconded the meeting be adjourned @ 7:27PM. Motion Carried
Respectfully Submitted: Attest:
_____________________ _______________________
Lloyd S Banks, Recording Secretary Ed Chesney, President
January 2021 – HHPOA Conference Call Summary
Meeting held via conference call from 6:30-7:30 Wednesday January 20th 2021
Those on Call: Ed Chesney, Lloyd Banks, Jake Stowers, Diane Dimaio, Monica Lannier, Russ Argus, Joe Navarro. Absent: Mike Gherardini, Rodney Finke
Treasurer’s Summary: As of 01/19/2021
Checking: $21,031.19
Savings: $100,016.79
Past due 2020 HOA dues: 6
2 estoppels received
Monica emailed the approved 2020 budget (with actual expenditures shown) to the Board, along with the proposed 2021 budget equal in dollar value to that of the 2020 budget. Several line item expenditures for 2021 were adjusted to reflect actual disbursements without increasing total budget amount.
Jake made a motion to carry the approved 2020 budget ($31,050.00) over for 2021. There was a second by Lloyd and motion was passed unanimously by the Board.
Lloyd made a motion to establish a separate account transferring $10,000 from our checking account. Motion was seconded by Jake. This account is restricted in use for maintaining our three entrance monuments.
Treasurer Monica announced her anticipated moving date as March 1, 2021, with a resignation date from the Board set at February 28th.
The President will call on Karen Rodowicz (Association bookkeeper) for Board appointment as Treasurer.
Beautification Summary:
Diane Dimaio will get a quote(s) to refresh our entrance way landscaping with plant material that does not require an irrigation system. We will look to Randy Lee who advertises in our directory for a proposal. Diane will also continue her work on neighborhood awards and our new residents’ welcome program.
Miscellaneous discussion items:
McKay Creek dredging topic needs to be re-addressed with Pinellas County, Rodney and Ed to coordinate.
Joe Navarro to book a meeting spot for a February in person meeting.
Post COVID social event needed to get renewed interest and members involved in the Association.
Annual meeting January 29, 2020 minutes
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Mike Gherardini @ 6:34PM.
Membership stood for the pledge of Allegiance to Flag.
Reading of minutes of the prior year’s January 2019 meeting were waived by motion by Rodney Finke and duly seconded and Unanimously approved.
Monica Lanier, Treasurer, reviewed the operating results for 2019. She also reported there are only two delinquent 2019 dues account. The current balance of the C/A was $19,410 with $50,000 in CD Reserve account plus $10,000 restricted for Entrance Ways. She also reviewed the proposed 2020 Budget, which was essentially the same as 2019 & 2018 Budgets.
Member Mike McFadden questioned the reason we were continually adding money to reserve accounts vs reducing the dues. Lloyd Banks explained the Board had discussed the matter & felt it was better to strengthen the Associations Reserve in case of litigation than make a nominal reduction in the dues.
Jake Stowers explained that since there was not a quorum present the 2019 Budget would remain the same as the prior years but called for a show of hands indicating the memberships approval. There were no objections.
2020 Board Goals: President Mike Gherardini outlined planned goals for the Association’s Board for 2020: Directory data has been updated & corrected; we should expect a much earlier publication date.
Lloyd Banks pointed out that the directory is in its 20th year of publication & is produced at no cost to the Association as a benefit to it members by Dial Directories.
The Board & its Attorney will complete a review & corrections to the Deed Restrictions & By-Laws for presentation to the membership at its next annual meeting. Jake Stowers explained that this was necessary to ensure that each Addition of the Harbor Hills had exactly the same documents & records. Lloyd Banks pointed out there are no changes planned to those previously approved, it’s just a matter of housekeeping.
As required by the By-Laws, Directors are elected for staggered two year terms. Directors running for Re-Election are: Mike Gherardini,(P 2019); Ed Chesney,(VP 2019); Lloyd Banks (S 2019); Rodney Finke,(Director (19); Joe Navarro, (Director 19). No New Director Candidates came forward. [Ballots were collected}
No old business was discussed.
Road Re-paving and Dredging: Jake Stowers reported he had received a schedule of the counties planned road repaving projects & based on his estimate ours should start some time in early summer They are currently repairing the curbing in preparation for the repaving which will be done without any assessment to the property owners.Rodney Finke gave an update of the planned dredging of the McKay Creek Outfall Channel.
Member Comments: Several members made suggestions for consideration
1. Publication of a news letter or broadcast email on up & coming events. The president stated he was attempting to do that by keeping the Web Site up to date.
2. It was suggested we remind property owners to only put their trash out the end of the day immediacy proceeding their scheduled pickup.
All Directors were Approved with a total of only 3 Nay votes.
The winner of the $75 drawing were Kim San Juan, 3691 Orchard Grove Lane .
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Feb 19,2019.
A Motion was made by Russ Argus and duly seconded and the meeting was adjourned @ 7:28PM.
Board of directors meeting December 18, 2019 minutes
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Mike Gherardini @ 6:09PM.
Members Present were: Lloyd Banks, Mike Gherardini, Diane Dimiao, Joe Navarro, Monica Lanier, Ed Chesney, Rodney Finke
Members Absent: Jake Stowers, Russ Argus
Association Members present: Steve Lanier, Tim Lewis
Minutes of Board Meeting 11/20/19 were previously distributed to all board members with revisions. It was moved by Rodney Finke and duly seconded to approve the minutes as written & unanimously carried.
Monica Lanier, Treasurer reported the checking account had a balance of $13,106.61 as of 12/17/2019. There are 3 dues accounts past due for 2019 plus 2 accounts making installments. There are now a total of 7 CD’s totaling $81,877.88, of which one is restricted for maintaining the entrances. One dues account at 1520 Brookside is past due for 2018 & 2019, it was the consensus of the board to proceed in filing a lien for collection.
Holiday Party and Activities:
Party Date: At the request of Rodney Finke the host of the Associations annual Holiday party & Hay Ride was re- scheduled for Thursday December 12th. Change was approved by email polling of board.
Homeowner Decorating Awards: Diane Dimiao reported the 3 best Holiday Decoration Home Awards were chosen & were given poinsettia plants:
1st Place: 3556 Shady Bluff - Ron & Mary Wards
2nd Place: 1497 Brookside Dr. - Russell Colthoupe
3rd Place: 3965 High Bluff Dr - Brian Heliker
Wreaths: Joe Navarro & Diane Dimiao said that after inspecting wreaths they did not need to immediately be replaced.Party Entertainment: Rodney & Cheryl Finke & their crew were thanked for a great Holiday Party & Hay Ride. Gift certificates were given to the band members who provided the entertainment.
Annual Meeting: The following Directors whose two year terms are expiring will be standing for re-election: Lloyd Banks, Russ Argus, Mike Gherardini, Ed Chesney, & Joe Navarro.
The Association's attorney will be consulted on the preparation on the required information that must be included in advance with the Annual Meet Notice together with the Budget as prescribed by the By-Laws & Deed Restrictions.Ed Chesney offered to provide assistance in preparation of the meeting notice.
Deed Restriction Violations:
Mike Gherardini reported the following properties had been contacted for Deed Restrictions violations: 3918 Harbor Hills Dr. - 3 Trucks - County has been notified of complaint; 3405 Avocado Rd. - RV parked in drive - has been referred to attorney; 3862 High Bluff Dr Boat Trailer multiple Offenses.
The next meeting will be on the Annual Meeting set for 22nd of January,2020 at 6:30PM at Belleair Bluffs City Hall there will be not Board Meeting in January. The organizational Board Meeting will be held on the 3rd Wednesday in February 2020.
It was moved by Rodney Finke & duly seconded the meeting be adjourned @ 6:54PM. Motion Carried
Board of directors meeting November 20, 2019 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Mike Gherardini @ 6:28PM.
Members Present were: Lloyd Banks, Mike Gherardini, Russ Argus, Diane Dimiao, Joe Navarro, Monica Lanier, Jake Stowers, Ed Chesney.
Members Absent: Rodney Finke
Association Members present: Mike Clark, Steve Lanier, Brad Fletcher
Minutes of Board Meeting 10/16/19 were previously distributed to all board members with revisions. It was moved by Ed Chesney duly seconded to approve the minutes as written & unanimously carried.
Monica Lanier, Treasurer reported the checking account had a balance of $14,019.09 as of 11/20/2019. There are 4 dues accounts past due for 2019 plus 2 accounts making installments. There is now a total of 6 CD’s of which one is restricted for maintaining the entrances. One dues account for 1520 Brookside is past due for 2018 & 2019, it was the consensus of the board to proceed in filing a lien for collection.
Party Date: At the request of Rodney Finke host of the Associations annual Holiday party & Hay Ride was re- scheduled for Thursday December 12th. Change was approved by email polling of board.
Homeowner Decorating Awards: Diane Dimiao suggested the Association again award the 3 best Holiday Decoration home be given poinsettia plants; she will handle. The board by condenses agreed.
Entrance Wreaths: It was suggested that we may want to consider replacing the entrance wreaths since they are now about 10 years old. Joe Navarro & Diane Dimiao said they would look into the matter.Party Entertainment: Rodney Finke was having difficulty reaching Mike Twitty. Jake Stowers said he would reach out to him at his office.
Lloyd Banks reported the following Directors two year terms would be expiring & in accordance with the By-Laws would need to stand for re-election at the next annual meeting unless withdrawing: Banks, Argus, Gherardini, Chesney, & Navarro. All indicated their desire to remain as Board Members.
Mike Gherardini reported the following properties had been contacted for Deed Restrictions violations: 3918 Harbor Hills Dr. - 3 Trucks - County notified of complaint.3405 Avocado Rd. - RV parked in drive - has been referred to attorney.
The next meeting will be on the 3rd Wednesday, Dec 18, 2019 at 6:00PM.
It was moved by Jake Stowers & duly seconded the meeting be adjourned @ 7:10PM. Motion Carried
Board of directors meeting October 16, 2019 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Mike Gherardini @ 6:31PM
Members Present were: Lloyd Banks, Mike Gherardini, Russ Argus, Diane Dimiao, Rodney Finke, Joe Navarro
Members Absent: Monica Lanier, Jake Stowers, Ed Chesney
Association Members present: Mike Clark
Minutes of Board Meeting 9/18/19 were previously distributed to all board members with revisions. It was moved by Rodney Finke & duly seconded to approve the minutes as written & unanimously carried.
Monica Lanier, Treasurer was absent but submitted a report showing the checking account had a balance of $14,476.09 as of 10/12/2019. There are 7 dues accounts for 2019 now past due. Mike Gherardini reported the new CD for $20,000 had been purchased. There is now a total of 6 CD’s of which one is restricted for maintaining the entrances.
Rodney Finke reported plans for the Association's annual Holiday party & Hay Ride were already underway.
The Subdivision wide Yard Sale event appeared to be successful but not as actively participate in as in previous years. Mike Gherardini reported it had been advertised in the local media.
Lloyd Banks reported the following Directors two year terms would be expiring & in accordance with the By-Laws would need to stand for re-election at the next annual meeting unless withdrawing: Lloyd Banks, RussArgus, Mike Gherardini, Ed Chesney & Joe Navarro. All indicated their desire to remain as Board Members.
Mike Gherardini reported the following properties had been contacted for Deed Restrictions violations: 4195 Harbor Hills Dr. - Vehicle parked on lawn; 4102 McKay Creek Circle - Dog Barking all night; 1837 Harbor Circle W - Boat & trailer; 1746 Harbor Circle W - Overgrown Lawn; 1284 Harbor Hills Dr. - Boat/Watercraft in front yard; 3405 Avocado Rd. - RV.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2019.
It was moved by Lloyd Banks & duly seconded the meeting be adjourned @ 6:54PM. Motion Carried
Board of directors meeting September 18, 2019 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Mike Gherardini @ 6:32 PM
Members Present were: Lloyd Banks, Mike Gherardini, Ed Chesney, Russ Argus, Diane Dimiao, Rodney Finke, Jake Stowers
Members Absent: Monica Lanier, Joe Navarro
Association Members present: Mike Clark, Late arrival Dr. Lee Gaskin 1570 High Bluff Dr., who asked if the Association was going to contribute to the cost of the trash pick-up of her former patient. She was informed there was no funds allocated for since it was a county responsibility. Tim Lewis, complained he was having a problem with citrus rats & squirrels running on his fence caused by neighbors feeding peanuts to the squirrels.
Minutes of Board Meeting 7/19/19 were previously distributed to all board members with revisions. It was moved by Rodney Finke & duly seconded to approve the minutes as written & unanimously carried.
Monica Lanier, Treasurer was absent but submitted a report showing the checking account had a balance of $34,822.88 as of 9/14/2019. There are 5-CD’s totaling $61,786.52 one of which is restricted for use on the entrances. There are 7 dues accounts for 2019 now past due. Mike Gherardini reported the bank would not change the signors on the C/A until it has a copy of the SunBiz report showing the official change in the records. There are currently 4 Estoppels pending.
Beautification: Diane Dimiao Committee Chairman reported that Paul & Nancy Amberg residence @ 1765 Harbor Circle East, had been selected for the Fall Award. It was moved by Rodney Finke, & dully seconded to approve the award as recommended. Motion Carried
Yard Sale Dates: It was moved by Lloyd Banks & duly seconded that the Subdivisions Spring & Fall Yard Sale dates be set on the Saturdays before the April & October monthly board meetings. Motion Carried
Mike Gherardini reported that the deliveries of the new dial directories is complete.
The purchase of an additional CD was not completed because the bank was offering a special rate on CD’s of $20,000.00 & the board authorization was only for $15,000.00. It was moved by Rodney Finke & duly seconded to approve the purchase of a $20,000.00 CD at whatever rate is available. Motion Carried.The association’s attorneys recommendation for correction of minor errors & omissions for the amendments to the Associations Deed Restrictions have been emailed to the directors. After a general discussion of the matter it was concluded that the appropriate corrective action would be to have the membership ratify the change as adopted & re-record them in all of the additions of the Subdivision.
Mike Gherardini reported that there were currently 3 properties being addressed for Deed Restrictions violations: 1733 Brookside Blvd - Boat; 1764 Brookside Blvd - Boat; 1776 Brookside Blvd - Trailer.
The next meeting will be meeting on the 3rd Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2019.
It was moved by Lloyd Banks & duly seconded the meeting be adjourned @ 7:39PM. Motion Carried
Board of directors meeting July 17, 2019 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Mike Gherardini @ 6:30 PM
Members Present were: Lloyd Banks, Mike Gherardini, Ed Chesney, Russ Argus, Diane Dimiao, Joe Navarro, Rodney Finke, Jake Stowers, & Monica Lanier. Each Director was given a copy to the new 20th edition of the Dial Directory.
Association Members present: Mike Clark, Steve Lanier, Joyce O’Brien, former Treasurer & Guest Karen Rodowicz. Joyce O’Brien reported she had filed the changes & paid the state required fee to SunBiz Acct. # 70196 & brought a copy with her for the Associations records.
Minutes of Board Meeting 6/19/19 were previously distributed to all board members with revisions received. It was moved by Ed Chesney & duly seconded to approve the minutes as written & unanimously carried.
Monica Lanier, Treasurer reported by email the checking account had a balance of $36,103.62 as of 6/30/2019. There are 5-CD’s totaling $61,786.52 of which one is restricted for use on the entrances. Monica also reported there are 8 dues accounts for 2019 now past due. Mike Gherardini reported the bank would not change the signors on the C/A until it has a copy of the SunBiz report showing the official change in the records. There are currently 4 Estoppels pending.
Mike Gherardini reported he had picked up the new dial directories which had been delivered to Marilyn Banks because Chuck Holloway was not going to continue handle their distribution; therefore, it was recommended we continue to use the Block Captains for they distribution. This is their only remaining function. Also, Joe Navaro & Barbara Koroknay had volunteered to help with their delivery in any not covered by a Block Captain. Marilyn Banks & Monica Lanier will collectively track property ownership changes to keep the information up to date.
Mike Gherardini reported that the owner of the property @ 1776 Brookside has been advised they must remove the boat & trailers, they have removed the RV. Russ Argus advise the boat is up for sale since the owner has just purchase a new boat.
The next meeting will be meeting on the 3rd Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2019. There will be no meeting in August.
It was moved by Lloyd Banks & duly seconded the meeting be adjourned @ 7:09 PM. Motion Carried
Board of directors meeting June 19, 2019 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Mike Gherardini @ 6:30 PM
Members Present were: Lloyd Banks, Mike Gherardini, Ed Chesney, Russ Argus, & Diane Dimiao
Association Members present: Mike Clark, Mike Dimiao, Steve & Monica Lanier and Dr. Lee Gaskin who advised that Debba Weinfurter was her patient and would not be returning to her home. Dr. Gaskin said she personally had paid to have the landscaping trash picked up & was seeking help for some reimbursement. President Mike asked if she knew of any family representatives who could be contacted to discuss the issues for maintaining the property until it was sold. Apparently, some of the neighbors mowed the grass.
Minutes of Board Meeting 5/15/19 were previously distributed to all board members with revisions received. It was moved by Ed Chesney & duly seconded to approve the minutes as written & unanimously carried.
Karen Rodowicz, the bookkeeper reported by email the checking account had a balance of $36,471.73 as of 5/31/2019. Karen also reported there are 10 dues accounts for 2019 now past due.The transfer of $15,000 to a CD had not been accomplished but will be done when the change of signors on the C/A is made my Mike & Monica.
Appointment of new Director & Treasurer. It was moved by Lloyd Banks & duly Seconded to Appoint Monica Lanier as a Director to fill the unexpired term of the seat vacated by Joyce O’Brien. Motion unanimously approved. It was moved by Lloyd Banks to elect Monica Lanier as Treasurer of HHPOA and duly seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Diane Dimiao committee chairman reported the next quarters award was going to: John & Barbara Koroknay @1301 Harbor Hills Drive.
Mike Gherardini reported that the owner of the RV on the side of 1776 Brookside which also has 2 boat trailers on the lot has been advised they must be removed as they are not permitted under the HH deed restrictions. The landscaping trash at the corner of High Bluff & Harbor Hills Drive has been cleaned up.
The next meeting will be meeting on the 3rd Wednesday, July 17, 2019. There will be no meeting in August.
It was moved by Ed Chesney & duly seconded the meeting be adjourned @ 7:37 PM.
Board of directors meeting May 15, 2019 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Mike Gherardini @ 6:30 PM
Members Present were: Lloyd Banks, Mike Gherardini, Joe Navarro, Ed Chesney, Rodney Finke, Jake Stowers, Russ Argus, & Diane Dimiao
Association Members present: Mike Clark, Mike Dimiao, Steve & Monica Lanier, Marilyn Banks, & Joe Kunz, who brought up the requirements for having an employee. Lloyd Banks responded the Association had no employees, Karen Rodowicz had been retained to provide bookkeeper services on a fee for service basis.
Minutes of Board Meeting 4/17/19 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Jake Stowers & duly seconded to approve the minutes as written & unanimously carried.
Ed Chesney & Lloyd Banks agreed to act as a finance committee
until a new Treasure is in place.
Following up on last months discussion of not having a Treasurer. Per discussion it was agreed in the interim to retain Joyce’s daughter Karen Rodowicz who was familiar with maintaining the Association records as a Bookkeeper. It was moved by Jake Stowers and duly seconded to retain Karen Rodowicz as the bookkeeper at cost of $250 a month on a fee for service basis.
Karen Rodowicz, the bookkeeper reported by email the checking account balance had a balance of $43,735.53 as of 4/30/2019.
Karen also reported there are 15 dues accounts for 2019 now past due.
The transfer of $15,000 to a CD had not accomplished as the President was unable getting to the bank complete the transaction.
A meeting with the Associations Attorney scheduled to review the Associations By-Laws & Deed Restrictions had been attended by Mike Gherardini, Jake Stowers & Rodney Finke. Results of her review will be available by the next Board meeting.
The Sex Predator that the Sheriffs office had distributed flyers was discussed. The HHPOA has no position on this matter & will not be responding to anyone but referring all inquiries to the Sheriffs Office. Rodney Finke reported the Association’s D & O Insurance premium of $2031.00 had been paid.
Mike Gheradini reported that 2 boat letters had been sent to repeat offenders . The landscape deere at the corner of High Bluff & Harbor Hills Drive has been reported.
The next meeting will be meeting on the 3rd Wednesday, June 19, 2019.
It was moved by Jake Stowers& duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:28PM
posted as approved.
Board of directors meeting Apr. 17, 2019 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Mike Gheraradini @ 6:29 PM
Members Present were: Lloyd Banks, Mike Gherardini, Joe Navarro, Diane Dimaio, Ed Chesney,, Rodney Finke, Jake Stowers, Absent: Russ Argus
Association Members present: Mike Clark, Karen Rodowicz & Alan who lives on hill Drive expressed concerns over brightness of new street light being installed on Hill Drive.
Minutes of Board Meeting 3/20/19 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Jake Stowers & duly seconded to approve the minutes as written & unanimously carried.
Ed Chesney & Lloyd Banks agreed to act as a finance committee
until a new Treasure is in place.
Following up on last months discussion of not having a Treasurer. Per discussion it was agreed in the interim retain Joyce’s daughter Karen Rodowicz who was familiar with maintaining the Association records as a Bookkeeper. It was moved by Jake Stowers and duly seconded to retain Karen Rodowicz as the bookkeeper at cost of $250 a month.
A copy of the bank statement reflected a checking account balance of $43,394.31 as of 3/27/2019.
Karen reported there are 24 dues accounts for 2019 now past due.
Lloyd Banks recommended that $20,000 be moved to a CD. After discussion it was moved by Rodney Finke & duly seconded to transfer $15,000 to a CD. Motion Carried.
A meeting with the Associations Attorney is scheduled for Friday @ 3PM to review the Associations By-Laws & Deed Restriction. Gherardini, Stowers & Finke are to attend. Chesney has a work related conflict & will not be able to make the meeting.
Jake Stowers reported that the Sub-Divisions Street Resurfacing project was scheduled for a Design & Bid RFP with the Construction to begin in 2020.
The forced main sewer project was under way.
The McKay Creek Dredging was being studied by the county which would require 60% participation approval & assessment of adjoining property owners.
No new infraction were reported.
The next meeting will be meeting on the 3rd Wednesday, May 15, 2019.
It was moved by Rodney Finke & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:20PM
posted as approved
HARBOR HILLS PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION Board of directors meeting Mar. 20, 2019 minutes. The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770. Opening: Meeting was called to order by President Mike Gherardini @ 6:31PM Roll Call: Members Present were: Lloyd Banks, Mike Gherardini, Joe Navarro, Diane Dimaio, Ed Chesney, Rodney Finke, Jake Stowers, Joyce O’Brien, Russ Argus Member Comments: Association Members present: Mike Clark inquired if a letter had been sent regarding McKay Creek. He stated the City of Largo was beginning to dredge up creek of Indian Rock Road. Tim Lewis advised the County had already been out to inspect the complaint about a fence exceeding 6-foot height restriction and was handling the matter. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes Minutes of Board Meeting 2/20/19 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Ed Chesney & duly seconded to approve the minutes as written & unanimously carried. Treasures Report: Joyce O’Brien, Treasurer, reported the checking account balance is $42,733.55 as of 2/28/2019. There are 39 dues accounts for 2019 now past due. The Associations corporate tax has been paid. Joyce O’Brien advised she was having to resign as Treasurer & Director for health concerns. Spring Garage Sale The Sub-Division wide Garage Sale on March 16, 2019 was considered a success from all feedback. Beautification Award Diane Dimaio advised that the gift card had been given Tom Arnson @ 1369 Harbor Hills Drive. Appointment of Director to fill Board Vacancy In accordance with the By-Laws the Board shall appoint directors to file the unexpired term of a resigning Director. No immediate candidate was placed in nomination, but it was hope that the candidate would also take on the responsibilities as Treasure. None of the existing directors expressed any interest. New Business With the absence of not having a Treasurer if was proposed the Association retain Joyce’s daughter Karen Rodowicz who is familiar with maintaining the Association records as a Bookkeeper. The board request a job description in order to understand what was involved to establish a fair compensation for those services. Joe Navaro took possession of the boxes of Association Record to be placed in its storage locker. Rodney Finke reported he & his wife are taking the Sheriffs Citizens Course Deed Restriction Infractions No new infractions were reported. Next Meeting The next meeting will be meeting on the 3rd Wednesday, April 17, 2019. Adjourn It was moved by Jake Stowers & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:10PM
Board of directors meeting Feb. 20, 2019 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney @ 6:30PM
Members Present were: Lloyd Banks, Mike Gherardini, Joe Navarro, Diane Dimaio, Ed Chesney,, Rodney Finke, Jake Stowers,
Absent:Joyce O’Brien, Russ Argus
Association Members present: Mike Clark, Luce Ross, Tim Lewis, John Shaw 3624 High Bluff. Topics discuss were: TV Noise by neighbor, grass service, MSTU Taxing Unit, 1499 Harbor Hill Dr, Speed Sign
Minutes of Annual Meeting 1/16/19 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Jake Stowers & duly seconded to approve the minutes with the attachment of the By-Law change approved by the membership. Motion unanimously carried.
With Joyce O’Brien, Treasurer, absence the was no Treasures Report.
By consensus, the Sub-Division wide Garage Sale Date was set for Saturday March 16, 2019
Based on the association’s By-Laws, Ed Chesney was term limited and not eligible for re-election having served two terms. The Board thanked him for doing an excellent job. After some general discussion the following slate was elected:
President: Mike Gherardini
Vice President: Ed Chesney
Secretary: Lloyd Banks
Treasurer: Joyce O’Brien
Lloyd Banks reported he has a soft inquiry from Chris Arbutine, the Mayor of Belleair Bluffs, as the Harbor Hills potential future interest in annexation. They would undertake any costs to evaluate the issues. The prerequisite requirement would be dependent on Harbor Bluffs being annexed simultaneously. The board was collectively pessimistic that it could not be done with an increase in cost to our membership when considering all the tax issues: property, utility, trash & other relevant charges. Jake Stowers pointed out we are protected from annexation by Largo by State Statute because we are not considered an enclave.
It was agreed that we needed to follow up with the county on use of the Penny for Pinellas funds for Dredging of McKay Creek. Ed Chesney & Jake Stowers agreed to collaborate in the mater.
No infraction issues to report.
The next meeting will be meeting on the 3rd Wednesday, March 20, 2019.
It was moved by Rodney Finke & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:24 PM
Posted as approved
Annual Membership meeting January 16, 2019 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770. Opening: Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:35 PM Introduction of Directors: Directors present were: Lloyd Banks, Mike Gheradini, Joe Navarro, Diane Dimaio, Ed Chesney,, Rodney Finke, Joyce O’Brien,Jake Stowers, & Russ Argus Pledge of Alliance: Membership stood for The pledge of Allegiance to Flag Prior Years Meeting Minutes: Reading of minutes of the priors years Feb 22, 2018 meeting were waive by motion by Rodney Finke and duly seconded and Unanimously approved.. Treasures Report & Proposed 2019Budget Joyce O’Brien Treasurer, reviewed the operating results for 2018. She also reported there was only one delinquent 2018 dues account. The current balance of the C/A was $19,410 with $50,000 in CD Reserve account plus $10,000 restricted for Entrance Ways. Joyce O’Brien then reviewed the proposed 2019 Budget, which was the same as 2018 Budget. Joe Kuns took exception to continually adding money to reserve accounts & recommended the dues be reduced. Other items questioned were insurance costs, attorney fees and the holiday party costs. With a quorum present the 2019 Budget was approved by show of hands by the membership with only one objection. By-Law Amendent: The proposed change to the By-Laws regarding the membership approving of the Budget when a quorum was not present was approved by the membership by a show of hands vote. Ellection of Directors: As required by the By-Laws, Directors are elected for a staged two year terms. The 4 directors standing for re-election are Jake Stowers (VP); Joyce O’Brien, (Treasurer); Rodney Finke (Past President); & Diane DiMaio (who was unable to attend the meeting). Ballots for Directors were collected. Board Action Update: Consideration of entrance security cameras was considered to not be viable and was abandoned. The installation of new street lights on Hill Drive has been delayed due to complications in securing the utility easement to install a new pole. Ed Chesney stated planned goals for the board in 2019 were a complete review of the Associations By-Laws & Deed Restrictions by the associations attorney. Also another look at subdivision trash services Membership Comments: Member comments were problems with Waste Pro Trash service and multiple service providers resulting in everyday being a trash pickup day. Ed Chesney stated the board would again look into the matter which had been review several years ago to see if the was a possible remedy. 1 of 2 Ballot Results: By-Law Change: Approve by show of hands. Directors All Approved: 43 Yea; 1 Nay Attendance Drawing: The winners of the $50 drawing was the Lanniers. Next Meeting The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Feb 20,2019 Member comments were problems with Waste Pro Trash service and multiple Adjourn service providers resulted in everyday being a trash pickup day. Ed Chesney stated the board would again look into the matter which had been review several years ago to see if the was a possible remedy.
Posted as Approved
Board of directors meeting Dec. 19 2018 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney @ 6:30PM
Members Present were:, Lloyd Banks, Mike Gheradini, Joe Navarro, Diane DiMaio, Ed Chesney,, Rodney Finke, Joyce O’Brien, Jake Stowers, & Russ Argus All Directors Present.
Minutes of Board Meeting 11/14/18 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Mike Gheradini & duly seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimously carried. Joe Kunz felt the minutes should be sent via email to all member instead of just posting them on the Associations website.
Joyce O’Brien, Treasurer, reported the checking account balance as of 12/19/2018 was $19,416. There was only 1 account past due for 2018 dues. Joyce advised there were currently seven properties with corporate ownership.
Diane DiMaio reported the Christmas decorating awards were made to the following: 1st place: 3997 High Bluff Dr.; 2nd place: 1551 High Bluff Dr.; 3rd place: 1887 Harbor Circle West. All awards had been delivered & appreciated. Rodney Finke reported the recognition signs had been lost. The board ask Diane DiMaio to design & order new replacement signs.
Rodney Finke reported the party came in under budget. The board congratulated him and his committee on a job well done. A gift card will be sent to Mike Twitty & his band for the contribution to the event.
Annual Meeting Planning:
Budget: Joyce O’Brien handed out copies of a proposed 2019 Budget which she stated was substantially the same as 2018.
Director Election: Directors whose terms are expiring are: Jake Stowers, Rodney Finke, Joyce O’Brien, & Diane DiMaio all have indicated they would stand for re-election. Mike Clark was asked to serve as Nominating Committee Chairman. Joyce O’Brien reported she had not received any response from the standing director form on the Association Website.
Deed Restrictions: It was suggested that the Deed Restriction changes proposed last year but not adopted not be resubmitted to the membership at this time. It was the consensus that the associations attorney does an in-depth review of the existing Deed Restrictions & By-Laws to recommend changes for a special meeting to be held at a later date.
By-Laws It was agreed that the proposed changes for a quorum be again submitted to the membership in the off chance that a quorum would be achieved.
Raffle: Ed Chesney suggested that a Raffle for a $50 gift card be held for those attending to encourage attendance: Approved by unanimous concurrence by the board.
Investor Owned Properties: Limitations on common corporate ownership as well as a one-year moratorium on renting those properties were discussed. The topic will be review with the association attorney.
No-one in attendance. No new topics discussed.
No infraction issues to report.
The next meeting will be the Annual Membership meeting on the regular 3rd Wednesday January 16,2019.
It was moved by Rodney Finke & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:24 PM
Posted as Approved
Board of directors meeting Nov 14, 2018 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney @ 6:30PM
Members Present were:, Lloyd Banks, Mike Gheradini, Joe Navarro, Diane DiMaio, Ed Chesney, Rodney Finke, & Joyce O’Brien
Absent: Jake Stowers, Russ Argus
Minutes of Board Meeting 9/19/18 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Mike Gheradini & duly seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimously carried.
Joyce O’Brien, Treasurer, reported the checking account balance as of 10/31/2018 was $24,009.27 and distributed copies of the 2018 operating report thru September. There was only 1 account past due for 2018 dues. Joyce advised there were currently seven properties with corporate ownership.
Diane DiMaio recommended and moved that the award be given to Keith & Pat Higley @ 1243 Harbor Hill Drive, which was duly seconded and approved. It was moved by Lloyd Banks & duly seconded the award be increased to $50 and unanimously approved.
Rodney Finkey reported the recognition signs had been lost. The board ask Diane DiMaio to design & order new replacement signs.
Security Cameras: Jake Stowers absent nothing new to report.
Annual Meeting Planning:
Budget: Joyce O’Brien handed out copies of a proposed 2019 Budget which she state was substantially the same as 2018.
Director Election: Directors who’s terms are expiring are: Jake Stowers, Rodney Finke, Joyce O’Brien, & Diane DiMiao all have indicated they would stand for re-election. Mike Clark was asked to serve as Nominating Committee Chairman. Joyce O’Brien reported she had not received any response from the standing director form on the Association Website.
By-Laws & Deed Restrictions: It was suggested that the changes proposed last year but not adopted be resubmitted to the membership.
Ed Chesney stated he would review the matter with the association attorney.
Investor Owned Properties: Limitations on common corporate ownership as well as a one-year moratorium on renting those properties were discussed. Questions were raised as to it being legally permissible or the ability to monitor it. The topic will be review with the association attorney.
No new topics discussed.
Posted as Approved
Board of directors meeting Oct. 17 2018 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by Vice President Jake Stowers @ 6:30PM
Members Present were: Jake Stowers, Lloyd Banks, Mike Gheradini, Joe Navarro,& Diane Dimaio:
Absent: Ed Chesney, Russ Argus, Rodney Finke, & Joyce O’Brien
Minutes of Board Meeting 9/19/18 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Mike Gheradini & duly seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimously carried. Joe Kunz felt the minutes should be sent via email to all member instead of just posting them on the Associations website.
Joyce O’Brien, Treasurer was absent so no report.
Garage Sale:The Association’s sponsored Fall Garage Sale held on 10/13/2018 was observed to be a huge success.
Security Cameras proposal for installing, which Ed Chesney had emailed to board with his comments was opened for discussion by Lloyd Banks. The observations were it would cost twice as much as initially estimated & would require manually retrieving the data from the cameras up on the poles. In a general discussion it did not seem to meet the expectations that the Board was investigating. The request was from some members which was brought up at the meeting on Neighborhood Watch with the Sheriffs Dept. It was the general consensus that crime within the subdivision was not that big of a problem. Joe Kunz express strong objection to the idea & out lined in detail the issues from his prospective: liability issues, cost, privacy who would be responsible, in general a can of worms. The board said it was their duty to explore the idea & report it finding at the annual meeting but would not be recommending to further pursue the matter
Street Lights Lloyd Banks reported that the survey of all the lights in the HH subdivision had been platted on a lot map of HH. There are 54 lights all LED lamps. Two new locations on Shady Bluff Drive have been identified as needing lights but will require the installation of new poles.
Association Members in attendance were: Joe Kunz, Steve & Monica Lanier, Michael Clark,.
Ed Chesney by email reported he had asked sheriff’s office to monitor the stop sign & speeding on HH Drive & had received notices that could be sent to homeowners regarding speeding. It was the consensus that they be mailed out with the Annual Meeting material.
Michael Clark turned in a copy of the FLA Dept. of Environmental Protection Permit on the Verison Access Fiber Optic Transmission lines being installed along Indian Rocks Road.
Ed Chesney advised in his email with the board agenda that the compliance work for the yard & retaining wall @3625 Shady Bluff Drive -Ruth & Norman was under way.
Boat: 4035 Harbor Hills Drive-Frank Scelzi, a continuing problem had been had been sent a letter by the associations attorney and as of the date of this meeting had been removed.
The next Board of Directors meeting has been re-scheduled to Nov 14, 2018 due to Thanksgiving Holiday
It was moved by Jake Stowers & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:26 PM
Posted as Approved
Board of directors meeting Sept. 19, 2018 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:30PM
Members Present were: Ed Chesney, Russ Argus, Lloyd Banks, Rodney Finke, Mike Gheradini, Joyce O’Brien
Absent: Jake Stowers, & Diane Dimaio, Joe Navarro
Minutes of Board Meeting 7/18/18 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Rodney Finke & duly seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimously carried.
Joyce O’Brien, Treasurer reported the balance of the C/A as of 8/31/18 was $26,116.46. There are only 3 Dues Accounts outstanding for 2018, one is on property with a sale pending.
Joyce O'Brien reported the 2018-2019 New Directories had been printed & delivered to Chuck Holloway for distribution. He volunteered to continue handling that for the association after serving on the boarder several years.
No update on the Security Cameras with Jakes absence. The Association’s sponsored Garage Sale is scheduled for Saturday, 10/13/2018. It was recommended that Diane Dimaio be appointed Chairman of the Beautification Committee and unanimously approved.
Christmas Party/Hayride date of Dec 6, 2018 was selected by consensus.
Members in attendance were: Cherie Ohlsson, Steve & Monica Lanier, Michael Clark, John Brewer. Discussions center around problems on dealing with drivers speeding & not observing the stop sign on HH Drive. Ed Chesney explained the counties published requirements for traffic calming solutions. After detailed discussion it was concluded that we would probably not be
successful in meeting the threshold for having speed humps. Ed Chesney will ask sheriff’s office to monitor the stop sign & speeding.
Ed Chesney advised in his email with the board agenda that the compliance work for the yard & retaining wall @3625 Shady Bluff Drive -Ruth & Norman Nole referred to county Code enforcement was under way.
Boat: 4035 Harbor Hills Drive-Frank Scelzi, a continuing problem had been removed by the date of this meeting.
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Oct 17, 2018.
By motion made by Rodney Finke & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:35 PM
Posted as approved
Board of directors meeting July 18, 2018 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the picnic table at Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by Vice President Jake Stowers at 6:28 PM
Members Present were:, Jake Stowers, Lloyd Banks, Rodney Finke,& Mike Gheradini, Joyce O’Brien & Joe Navarro
Absent: Ed Chesney, Russ Argus
Jake Stowers introduced Jim Mahoney, Vice President of Scarsdale Security Services, Scarsdale, NY. Jim said Scarsdale had been around for 36 year. He lives here locally. After answering all the board Q & A. It was moved by Rodney Finke and duly second to request an RFP for installing a video security system at all 3 entrances to detail all equipment costs, including installation plus all maintenance & servicing costs. Motion Approved.
Lloyd Banks nominated Diane DiMaio, of 3748 Orchard Grove to fill the remaining unexpired term as a director. Motion duly seconded was approve unopposed.
Minutes of Board Meeting 6/20/18 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Rodney Finke & duly seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimously carried .
Joyce O’Brien, Treasurer reported the balance of the C/A as of 6/30/18 was $29,990.55. Plus reserve CD’s of $50,000.00 and a restricted CD for entrances of $10,000. There are only 6 Dues Accounts outstanding for 2018.
Joyce O'Brien reported the 2018-2019 New Directories had been printed & delivered to Chuck Holloway for distribution. He volunteered to continue handling that for the association after serving on the boarder several years.
With no meeting notice signs posted there were no members in attendance. The board ask Joe Navarro contact Bill Hess to try to workout a joint coverage arrangement to insure the signs are posted by the Sunday before meeting
Ed Chesney advised in his email with the board agenda that the compliance work for the yard & retaining wall @3625 Shady Bluff Drive -Ruth & Norman Nole referred to county Code enforcement was under way.
Boat: 4035 Harbor Hills Drive-Frank Scelzi. had been removed.
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Sept. 19, 2018. The board will be taking its summer recess in August as it has traditionally done.
By motion made by Rodney Finke & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:08 PM
Posted as Approved
Board of directors meeting June 20, 2018 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:30 PM
Members Present were: Ed Chesney, Jake Stowers, Lloyd Banks, Rodney Finke,,& Mike Gheradini, Joyce O’Brien, Russ Argus
Absent:Judy Cole, Joe Navarro
Lloyd Banks advised the Board that Judy Cole has resigned due to demands of being a care giver to her husband who’s recovering from lung transplant surgery. The board accepted her resignation with regret & asked President Chesney to send a letter of appreciation for her service.
Joyce O’Brien will post a notice on the web site for interested parties to file for the vacancy in order to be appointed by the board.
Minutes of Board Meeting 5/16/18 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Rodney Finke & duly seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimously carried .
Joyce O’Brien, Treasurer reported the balance of the C/A as of 5/31/18 was $26,343.50 There are only 6 Dues Accounts outstanding for 2018.Treasurer O’Brien reported that the insurance premiums of $4,800 had been paid and one of the Reserve CD’s of $10,199.64 had matured & been rolled over for 6 Months.
She also advised Dial Directories had informed her the printing of the directories have been delayed and will be ready in two weeks.
Julie & Tom Levine, 4435 Harbor Hills Drive, & John Brewer, 3624 High Bluff Drive attended the meeting.
With Ed Chesney reported the following unresolved infractions:
Yard & retaining wall: Shady Bluff Drive -Ruth & Norman Nole had been referred to county Code enforcement.
Boat: Harbor Hills Drive- Frank Scelzi. Russ Argus advise this was his new vessel & he was working on it get it ready to put in the water & was selling his old boat.
Ed Chesney distributed a list of Deed Restrictions enforcement options prepared by the associations new attorney.
Jake Stowers reported he had discussed our interest in having security cameras at the subdivision entrances with Jim Mahoney who’s in the business. He will be at the next meeting to provide specific answers for question the board may have.
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for July 18, 2018. The board discussed taking its summer recess in August as it has traditionally done.
By motion made by Russ Argus & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:00 PM
Posted as Approved
Board of directors meeting May 16, 2018 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:29 PM
Members Present were: Ed Chesney, Jake Stowers, Lloyd Banks, Rodney Finke, Joe Navarro,& Mike Gheradini, Joyce O’Brien.
Absent: Judy Cole,Russ Argus
Minutes of Board Meeting 4/22/18 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Jake Stowers duly seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimously carried .
Joyce O’Brien, Treasurer reported the balance of the C/A as of 3/31/18 was $31,846.62. There are only 9 Dues Accounts outstanding for 2018. Jake Stowers moved acceptance of the Treasurers Report
Paul Bunnbill, 4245 Harbor Hills Drive, attended the meeting.
With Ed Chesney reported there was no unresolved infractions which needed to be addressed.
Ed Chesney reported the new attorney had everything necessary to complete the recording of the prior years (2017) By-law & Deed Restriction changes.
Jake Stowers reported he had discussed our interest in having security cameras at the subdivision entrances with Jim Mahoney who’s in the business. He will be at the next meeting to provide specific answers for question the board may have.
Joyce O'Brien advised that Dial Directories will have the New Directories available in 2 weeks.
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for June 20, 2018.
By motion made by Jake Stowers & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:00 PM
Posted exactly as approved
Board of directors meeting April 18, 2018 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Opening: Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:30 PM
Roll Call: Members Present were: Ed Chesney, JakeStowers, Lloyd Banks, Rodney Finke, Joe Navaro, & Mike Gheradini. Absent: Judy Cole, Joyce O’Brien, Russ Argus Election of Officers It was moved by Jake Stowers & duly second to re-elect the same slate of Officers for 2018. Ed Chesney-President, Jake Stowers-VP, Lloyd Banks
Secretary, Joyce O’Brien-Treasurer. Motion Carried Approval of Meeting Minutes Minutes of Board Meeting 3/21/18 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Rodney Finke and duly seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimously carried .
Treasures Report With Joyce O’Brien’s, Treasurer absence there was no Treasurer report. There are only 19 Dues Accounts outstanding for 2018. Member Comments Diane Germario,3748 Orchard Grove, attended the meeting.
Deed Restriction Infrations With Ed Chesney reported there was no unresolved infractions which needed o be addressed. Document recording Ed Chesney reported he was still working with the new attorney to complete the recording of the prior years (2017) By-law & Deed Restriction changes.
Other Old Business Jake Stowers reported he had discussed our interest in having security cameras at the subdivision entrances with Jim Mahoney who’s in the business. Mr. Mahoney had advised him the pictures of all activity would be stored on SD Cards in the cameras that would be mounted on 13 ft poles. It was estimated the cost of camera for 3 entrances would be $2000-$2500 per entrance. The activities captured would not be monitored & would have to be down loaded as needed from the cameras. Cameras would be motion activated not continuously recording Waste Pro has confirmed it was no longer offering the reduced pricing. It was recommended that the WEB site be updated to reflect the pricing change. There has been no change to the existing customers only to new accounts.
New Business Mike Gheradini asked if there was a limited to how many cars may be parked a property. Jake Stowers responded there was no county limitation & the Deed Restrictions prohibit parking on lawns. He also asked if there were any limits as to how long a Port O Let was allowed to remain on site post construction
Next Meeting The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for May 20, 2018.
Adjourn By motion made by Jake Stowers & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:05 PM
Post exactly as approved
Board of directors meeting March 21, 2018 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by Vice President Jake Stowers at 6:30 PM
Members Present were:,Jake Stowers, Lloyd Banks, Russ Argus, Rodney Finke, Joyce O’Brien. Absent: Judy Cole, Ed Chesney
Minutes of Annual Meeting 2/22/18 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Rodney Finke and duly seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimously carried .
Joyce O’Brien’s, Treasurer reported as of 2/28/2018 the C/A balance was $45,561.83. It was moved byJake Stowers & amended by Lloyd Banks and duly seconded to move $15,000 to a new CD. Motion Carried.
It was moved by Lloyd Banks & duly seconded to elect Mike Gerardinil & Joe Navarro to fill the open Director seats: both were unanimously elected at the annual meeting but not installed due to a lack of a quorum. Motion Carried.
Monica & Steve Lanier (her husband) reported they had just completed the Pinellas Counties Citizens Academy 10 week training program. It is open to the public to give a behind the scenes look at all of the Sherifs Departments operations. The cost of the program is $25per person. It was moved by Lloyd Banks the association reimburse Monica & her husband for their participation in the Crime Stoppers program as the associations representatives in Neighbor Hood Crime Watch Motion was duly seconded & unanimously carried.
With Ed Chesney absence there was no reported infractions which needed o be addressed.
Because of a lack of quorum at the annual meeting (two household short) none of the matters approved based on the ballot count were not adopted. Members discussed options to be consider: Call a special Membership Meeting or wait until the next Annual Meeting. It was the consensus of the board not to call a special meeting due to the expense & the uncertainty of getting quorum.
Jake Stowers reported he had located a firm that could provide security cameras at the subdivision entrances & monitor the data. He did not have an immediate recall of the cost of the equipment or service but would report back at the next meeting.
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for April 18, 2018.
By motion made by Russ Argus & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:21 PM
Posted exactly as Approved
Annual Membership meeting February 22, 2018 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Anona Chapel, 13233 Indian Rocks Road Largo, Florida, 33774.
Opening: Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:35 PM Introduction of Directors: Directors present were: Joyce O'Brien, Ed Chesney, Bill Hess, Jake Stowers, Rodney Finke, Russ Argus and Chuck Holloway, Lloyd Banks Absent: Judy Cole, Pledge of Alliance: The pledge of Allegiance to Flag which has been the normal custom was not done due to fact there was no flag available. Prior Years Meeting Minutes: Reading of minutes of the priors years meeting were waive by motion by Rodney Finke and duly seconded and Unanimously approved.. Treasures Report & Proposed 2018 Budget Joyce O’Brien, Treasurer review the operating results for 2017. She also reported there was only one delinquent 2017 Dues Account. Joyce O’Brien then reviewed the proposed 2018 Budget, which was the same as 2017 Budget except for no expense for Mini Storage That expense had been prepaid in 2017 to take advantage of a cost saving t that was available. Budget was approved by the membership without objection. By-Law & Deed Restriction Amendments: Ed Chesney reviewed the proposed By-Law or Deed Restrictions amendments. Stephanie Tarr gave an impassioned objection based on her personal belief that the association was seeking to take some of her property without compensation. Jake Stowers pointed out that the proposed change was only tho clarify previously adopted changes regarding restrictions on waterfront lots pertaining to the side lot lines running from the sea walls the rear setback line fence height limits of 4 feet relating to hedges &/or other vegetation within 5 ft on each side of the lot line that would obscure the neighboring properties view of the waterway. The amendment in no way was taking anyone’s property. Ellection of Directors: Ed Chesney reported that long standing Directors Hess & Holloway were not standing for Re-election creating two vacancies The members of the board & membership thanked them for their years of service to the association. The two proposed candidates: Mike Gheradini & Joseph Navarro were introduced. Ballots for Directors & Ammendments were collected at this time. Member speaker sign up: The following members signed up to speak at the meeting: Michael Clark, Harvey Albert, Stephanie Tarr, Daniel Hagon, Corey Moon, Walter Huffington (Did not speak) 1 of 2 Recycled Water water Offer by City of Largo A informal proposal to provide recycled water service to the subdivision by the City of Largo, which would require annexation was discussed. A staff representative of the City was in attendance but not called upon. The costs comparisons between living in the Un-incorporated part of the county vs City of Largo relating property & utility taxes were discussed. It was concluded the City of Largo’s combined taxes would be higher. The overall consensus of the membership was there was no interest in pursuing the matter. Ballot Results: By-Law Change 35 For 2 Negative 1 Abstained Deed Restriction Change 27 For 10 Against 1 Abstained = 71% Required 2/3 Approval Directors All Approved. Based on prior years change: 40 households are required for a quorum which was not achieved. As a result the Amendments are not officially approved. Spring Yard Sale: Members were reminded the date of the Sub-Divisions Spring Yard Sale if March 24th. Next Meeting The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for March 21, 2018. Adjourn By motion made by Rodney Finke & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:45 PM
minutes posted exactly as approved.
The January Meeting was cancelled in preparation for the Annual Meeting
Board of directors meeting December 20, 2017 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Opening: Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:30 PM Roll Call: Members Present were: Joyce O'Brien, Ed Chesney, Bill Hess, Jake Stowers, Rodney Finke, Russ Argus and Chuck Holloway. Absent: Judy Cole, Lloyd Banks Approval of Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes on November 11 2017 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Jake Stowers and duly seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimously carried .
Treasures Report Joyce O’Brien, Treasurer reported as of November 30 we had $24,242.86 in the checking account and $25,000 in CD reserves. There are only 4 past due Dues Accounts. Five gas cards were given to Belleair Bluffs Staff for their help all year round. Poinsettia plants were purchased and delivered to the top three decorated houses the morning after the Christmas Party.
Annual Meeting Preparation Ed Chesney advised that the Belleair Bluffs City Counsel meeting space would not be available for the HHPOA annual meeting due to construction of building improvements. He had contacted Anona Church about using their Chapel as Harbor Bluffs does. They were more than nice indicating they would set up chairs etc to meet our requirements and needed to know the exact date. Their facility is not available on Wednesdays. After reviewing our prerequisite lead times for notification on ByLaw & Deed Restriction Amendments it was not likely with the holidays that a January meeting date would be possible. It was moved by Jake Stowers & duly seconded that the Annual Meeting be held at the Anona Chapel on Feb 20 or 22, 2018 with the final date to be set by Ed Chesney after conferring with the Anona Church. Motion Carried
Member Comments Past President Joe Kunz reported a resident on Hill Drive who does not have garbage collection and uses other cans to get rid of trash. The Sheriff was called. Joe Kunz also asked that Board minutes be available more quickly and suggested sending emails copies in addition to posting news on our website. It was estimated that we have 70% of our members email addresses. Mr. Kunz also believed that 85% membership approval would be required on gift expenditures. There was much Q & A discussion about the associations Budget resulting cash accumulation deposited in CD’s vs. reducing the association dues in 2018, which the proposed budget keeps the dues at $75. 1 of 2 By-Law & Deed Restriction Matters Ed Chesney and Rodney reported that the By-Law or Deed Restrictions amendments had still not been recorded by Attorney George Hayes. The 2017 changes will be filed along with 2018 changes if approved. The lack of response by the associations attorney was discussed that the Association should consider hiring a new Attorney. Ed Chesney noted that the corrective language drafted will be ready for mailout with annual meeting package. Deed Restriction - Infractions Ed Chesney reported all violators have been cooperative. Other Old Business Jake Stowers advised that Jim Mahoney had been contacted to make a proposal for surveillance services options for the associations. Ed Chesney stated he was impressed with the success & turnout for Association Christmas Party/Hayride. Rodney Finke who hosted the event estimated there were about 250 attendees, the Hayride made 9 fully loaded trips around the neighborhood. Mike Twitty’s music was a great addition, enjoyed by all. A brief discussion of Largo’s soft inquiry as to interest in providing Reclaimed Water which would require annexation was discussed.
Next Meeting The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for January 17, 2018. Adjourn By motion made by Jake Stowers & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:30 PM
Board of directors meeting November 15, 2017 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:30 PM
Roll Call:
Members Present were: Ed Chesney, Lloyd Banks, Russ Argus, Rodney Finke, Bill Hess, Chuck Holloway, Joyce O’Brien, Jake Stowers,
Absent: Judy Cole,
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes on 10/18/17 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Rodney Finke and duly seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimously carried .
Treasures Report
Joyce O’Brien reported the checking account balance as of 10/31/2017 was $25,679.22 with a copy of the bank statement provided. She reported there were 4 accounts past due for 2017 dues and appropriate notices had been mailed and no further action was recommended at this time.
A copy of the 2017 actual operating results we distributed as well as a proposed 2018 budget. The members discussed minor variances between the 2017 vs 2018 budget and the 2017 year to date actual results.
It was moved by Lloyd Banks and duly seconded to recommend the 2018 budget to the membership at the annual meeting as proposed. Motion Carried.
By-Law & Deed Restriction Matters
Ed Chesney stated that no additional changes other than those discussed at the September meeting had been proposed for the Annual Membership Meeting.
Deed Restriction Infrations
Ed Chesney reported that there were no unresolved infractions or complaints to report.
Other Old Business
Rodney Finke advised that the associations insurance agent was able to find insurance coverage for the Christmas Party/Hayride at an estimated one time cost of $350 - $400. The with the budget from last year’s event some cost saving changes could be made not withstanding the cost of insurance coverage.
It was moved by Lloyd Banks & duly seconded to purchase insurance for the association at a cost not to exceed $500. Motion Carried.
Member Comments
Annual Meeting Planning
The following matters in preparation for the Annual Membership Meeting were addressed:
Election of Directors:
Directors whose terms were expiring: Lloyd Banks, Bill Hess, Chuck Holloway, Ed Chesney.
Bill Hess & Chuck Holloway confirmed they were not standing for reelection.
Nominating Committee:
Ed Chesney asked Bill Hess to serve as Chairman of a Nominating Committee in accordance with the By-Laws with their meeting to be held just prior to the
December Board Meeting.
There are currently two known candidates: Mike Gherardini & Joe Navaro
Approval of a proposed Budget for 2018:
Proposed Amendments & Changes to the By-Laws & Deed Restrictions:
As approved & recommended by the Board for Membership consideration.
New Business
Jake Stowers advised he had received a soft inquiry by the City of Largo to join their Reclaimed Water Program. The key factors & issues of Reclaimed Water were discussed. These were: present & future water restrictions & availability; mandatory participation by all homeowners which included an availability fee, non-usage fees; perquisite of annexation by the City of Largo. Annexation was viewed as the most problematic issue since in would subject all property owners & residence to all of City of Largo Taxes: Property, Utility [power, cellular, cable,phone etc], Code enforcement. Service benefits would include Fire, Police, Sanitation, Trash. After reviewing the pros & cons of the proposal it was the unanimous consensus of the Board it was not interested in recommending the proposal to the membership.
Next Meeting
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for December 20, 2017.
By motion made by Jake Stowers & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:20 PM
Board of directors meeting October 18, 2017 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:30 PM
Members Present were: Ed Chesney, Lloyd Banks, Russ Argus, Rodney Finke, Bill Hess.
Absent: Chuck Holloway, Judy Cole, Joyce O’Brien, Jake Stowers,
Meeting Minutes on 9/20/17 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Rodney Finke and duly seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimously carried .
In Joyce O’Brien’s absence there was no Treasurer reported.
Members discussed the status of the By-Law or Deed Restrictions amendments approved by the membership at the last annual meeting which had still not been recorded.
It was moved by Bill Hess & duly seconded that Rodney Finke direct the associations attorney to record the documents as approved irrespective of several known deficiencies, which would need to be addressed & corrected at a future membership meeting. Motion Carried.
Ed Chesney requested that any other proposed changes in addition to those discussed at the September meeting be available for the next meeting in preparation for the Annual Membership Meeting in January 2018.
Ed Chesney reported that the only complaint was Frank Scelzie’s boat & trailer on Harbor Hills Drive had been parked in front of his home for almost a month which needed to be addressed.
The annual Holiday Association gathering/Hayride was discussed. It was agreed that the date of Thursday, December 14th would be the ideal date.
Rodney Finke advised that with the budget of last year’s event some cost saving changes could be made. However the biggest obstacle was the inability to provide insurance coverage for the Association to operate or have a Hayride. It was suggested that a professional transportation operator such as “Jolly Trolley” might be an alternative who would have insurance that is required. Rodney Finke said he would investigate the matter before the next meeting.
Member Mike Cherardini who has been present at several meetings & lives at 3893 McKay Creek Drive has expressed willingness to serve as Director of the Association if elected. Ed Chesney would send him the necessary application form.
The following matters needed to be address in preparation for the Annual Membership Meeting:
Directors whose terms were expiring: Lloyd Banks, Bill Hess, Chuck Holloway, Ed Chesney. Bill Hess indicated he was not standing for reelection.
Appointment of a Nominating Committee:
Adoption of a proposed Budget for 2018 for Recommendation to the Membership.
All proposed Amendments & Changes to the By-Laws & Deed Restrictions as recommended by the Board for Membership consideration.
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Nov. 15, 2017.
By motion made by Russ Argus & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:40 PM
Board of directors meeting September 20, 2017 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:32 PM
Roll Call:
Members Present were: Joyce O'Brien, Ed Chesney, Lloyd Banks, Bill Hess, Jake Stowers, Rodney Finke. Absent: Chuck Holloway, Russ Argus, Judy Cole,
Approval of Meeting
Meeting Minutes on 7/19/17 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Jake Stowers and duly seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimously carried .
Treasures Report
Joyce O’Brien,Treasurer reported as 7/31/17 & 8/31/17 the checking account balances were $27,353.36 & $26,598..17 respectively.
There are currently 4 member dues accounts unpaid. Past Due notices have been sent pending further collection action.
Member Comments
Member Laura Carey on Shady Bluff introduced herself accompanied by her father who lives in Belleair Bluffs. She inquired about trash service in the HH subdivision since appeared to her that everyday was trash day in HH.
Bill Hess gave a brief history & review the current service options, which each homeowner can subscribe to for their personal service & obstacles regarding having a single trash service provider. Members discussed potentially revisiting the matter for reconsideration by the membership at large.
By-Law & Deed Restriction Matters
Jake Stowers reported that the By-Law or Deed Restrictions amendments had still not been recorded due to making continuing language proofing of revisions.
Ed Chesney propose the following changes to the By- laws and Deed Restrictions:
1. By- laws - Article IX sec. 2. Budget an Additional sentence. " If after the annual meeting and a special meeting there is not a quorum present to adopt a budget — the Board will utilize the current adopted budget as the new year budget “. This will allow the work of the HOA to have funding even without a quorum.
2. Deed Restriction —The following change is proposed to clean up the water front fence issue. This is to replace the second sentence. “ Water front lots walls /fences of solid construction or solid vegetation ( or 50% opacity ) shall not exceed 4 feet in height, along the rear and side lot lines. This restriction shall extent from the sea wall or shoreline for 20 feet toward the home. The restriction shall also include the yard along the fence/wall 5 feet on either side of the fence/wall . Single trunks shall be allowed within the 5 foot yard so long as they do not obstruct greater than 50% of the view. "
Beautification Award
Rodney Finke advised that the Beautification Award gift certificate been delivered to the recipients the Laniers.
Deed Restriction Infrations
Ed Chesney reported that due to Hurricane Irma things had been relatively quite with only one boat trailer infraction needing to be addressed.
Other Old Business
Jake Stowers advised that Jim Mahoney had been contacted to make a proposal for surveillance services options for the associations.
Members were reminded that October 14th was the date of the associations Fall Yard Sale.
Next Meeting
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Oct. 18, 2017.
By motion made by Bill Hess & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:30 PM
August No Meeting Summer Recess
Board of directors meeting July 19, 2017 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:40 PM Roll Call: Members Present were: Joyce O'Brien,, Ed Chesney, Lloyd Banks, Judy Cole, Bill Hess, Jake Stowers, Rodney Finke. Absent: Chuck Holloway, Russ Argus Approval of Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes on 6/21/17 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Judy Cole and duly seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimously carried .
Treasures Report
Joyce O’Brien,Treasurer reported as 6/30/17 the checking account balance was $28,379.75 with a copy of the bank statement provided. It was moved by Rodney Finke and duly seconded to approve the Treasurer report as submitted. Motion Carried. There are currently 6 member dues accounts unpaid & one account making payments. Treasurer reported the two $10,000+ CDs had been renewed with an interest rate of .85%. The Website renewal fee will cost $200 which had not been included in this year’s budget.
Hedge Height Dispute Members Mr. & Mrs. Simon & Mr. Bonham attended to discuss the confusion as to the interpretation of the Deed Restrictions requirements pertaining to water front lots side fence heights, setbacks & hedges. Mr. Simon reviewed their history regarding hedges along the fence line & their having file a law suite against a prior owner of Mr. Bonham’s property and the association. Jake Stowers was familiar with the matter since he testified for the association during the trial which the association & property owner which the Simons won. Jake Stowers stated that after reviewing the modifications to the Deed Restrictions approved at the January 2017 meeting have further confused the matter. The intent was to define the water front setback as 20 ft. from the sea wall with fences & hedges having a height limit of 4 ft. A side setback was to be 5 ft on each side property line. The final language adopted was in error and needs to be corrected by amendment at a future annual or special meeting. The Simons & Bonhams felt they could amicably resolve matter themselves without further association intervention.
Member Comments
Member Jack Riley reported he received a letter from the association, which he immediately complied with. He complemented the board on the work they were doing.There were no other member comments addressed during the meeting. 1 of 2 Beautification Award Judy Cole gave the Beautification Award gift certificate to Rodney Finke to give the Laniers when he post the Award Sign. By-Law & Deed Restriction Matters Jake Stowers reported that the By-Law or Deed Restrictions amendments had still not been recorded due to making continuing language proofing of revisions. The confusion the hedge matter has caused is an example of why making sure they are correct is so important.
Deed Restriction
Infrations Ed Chesney reviewed the Infraction Report as of July 19. He reported that each of the properties that lawn maintenance issues had been referred to Pinellas County Code Enforcement had been mowed & were now in compliance. Numerous boats, camper & boat trailer infractions were discusse Harbor Hills Dr.: McKay Creek Dr.;Brookside. The complaint about fencing limiting access to a pool @ McKay Creek Dr., which had previously been reported to the county had been corrected.
Other Old Business
Bill Hess reported the new “No Solicitation” signs had been installed on the entrance monuments. Rodney Finke stated he has been unsuccessful in finding a source for providing security cameras. Jake Stowers advised that he may have a source that offers surveillance services and would look into it for the associations
New Business
By consensus the board selected the date of October 14th for the Fall Yard Sale Joyce O’Brien said it would have it posted on the associations Website for the membership. Summer Recess
Board members were reminded the would be no meeting in August.
Next Meeting The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Sept. 20, 2017.
Adjourn By motion made by Lloyd Banks & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 8:00 PM
Board of directors meeting June 21, 2017 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:30 PM
Roll Call:
Members Present were: Joyce O'Brien, Ed Chesney, Lloyd Banks, Judy Cole, Chuck Holloway, Bill Hess, and Russ Argus Absent: Jake Stowers, Rodney Finke.
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes on 5/17/17 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Judy Cole and duly seconded to approve the minutes, unanimously carried.
Treasures Report
Joyce O’Brien, Treasurer reported as 5/31/17 the checking account balance was $28,538.22. There are currently 11 member dues accounts unpaid & one account making payments. Two insurance premiums were paid during May,
By-Law & Deed Restriction Matters
With Jake Stowers absent there was no report on the recording of the By-Law or Deed Restrictions amendments.
Deed Restriction Infractions
Ed Chesney reviewed the Infraction Report as of June 21. He advised that several properties had been referred to Pinellas County Code Enforcement: Harbor Hills Dr. [overgrown landscaping]; High Bluff Dr. [un-mowed lawn, reported to be in foreclosure]; Shady Bluff Dr. [lawn, general disrepair, retaining wall about to collapse]. Numerous boats & boat trailer infractions were discussed: Harbor Hills Dr.: McKay Creek Dr.; Brookside. The complaint about fencing limiting access to a pool @ McKay Creek Dr., which had previously been reported to the county, had been corrected.
Beautification Award
Judy Cole reported the Lanier’s property @ 3753 High Bluff Drive had been recommended to receive the Beautification Award for the quarter. It was moved by Lloyd Banks and duly seconded to approve the award to the Lanier’s. Motion Carried
Other Old Business
Bill Hess reported he had received an estimate for putting 6 new “No Solicitation” signs on the entrance monuments that would match the Deed Restricted signs be mounted below them. The total cost would be $483.00. It was move by Chuck Holloway and duly seconded approve the expenditure & install the signs. Motion Carried.
The update on the Penny for Pinellas projects list for funds for an engineering study on the dredging of the McKay Creek was deferred until Jake Stowers return at the next meeting.
New Business
Lloyd Banks reported that Lois Brockhoff, who has been a Block Captain for over 35 years, will be retiring due to health issues. Rodney Finke had requested the Association acknowledge her devoted service and give her a gift of appreciation. It was moved by Lloyd Banks & duly seconded the Association give her a gift certificate of $100 as a token of its appreciation for her many years of service. Motion carried. Marilyn Banks has agreed to assist by taking over her duties for the remainder of this year’s term.
Summer Recess
Based on discussions at the May board meeting it was moved by Judy Cole and duly seconded to skip the August, 2017 board meeting. Motion Carried.
Member Comments
There were no member comments addressed during the meeting.
Next Meeting
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for July 19, 2017.
By motion made by Judy Cole & duly seconded the meeting was adjourned @ 7:14 PM
Board of directors meeting May 17, 2017 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd. Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:30 PM
Roll Call:
Members Present were: Joyce O'Brien, Jake Stowers, Ed Chesney, Lloyd Banks, Judy Cole, Rodney Finke. Chuck Holloway, Bill Hess, Russ Argus
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes on 4/17/17 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Rodney Finke and duly seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimously carried .
Treasures Report
Joyce O’Brien, Treasurer reported as 4/30/17 the checking account balance was $34,166.60 .There are currently 17 Home owner dues accounts unpaid & one account making payments. The restricted CD for beautification was now $10,000 and were 3 unrestricted CDs totaling $35,000.
By-Law & Deed Restriction Amendments
Jake Stowers reported he had reviewed the recording of the annual meeting of the quorum approved by the membership, it was set at 40 parcels with a 2/3 majority required for approval of any By-Law or Deed Restrictions amendments.
After general discussion regarding this being a high bar to achieve for the annual meeting, further action would be deferred until the next years meeting. It was moved by Rodney Finke & duly seconded that the attorney proceed with recording of the revised documents with the quorum set at 40 parcels. Motion Carried.
Ed Chesney asked Jake Stowers to follow up with our attorney to complete the official final documentation in the public records.
Deed Restriction Infractions
Ed Chesney reviewed the Infraction Report as of May 17. No new items had been added. Two matters had been referred to our attorney for letters. Ed also reported he had spoken to the new owners of the property on Harbor Hills Dr. who said they live in the UK and only would be here about 6-months a year but would be having someone to maintain the property in their absence. Two homeowners who had received courtesy letters had advised they had just moved into the sub-division.
In view of the present drought conditions & anticipated further water restrictions yards would probably look worse but tolerance would be necessary and the HOA would not be predatory with reporting brown lawns.
Beautification Award
Judy Cole stated she had nothing new to report.
Other Old Business
Rodney Finke reported the Liability Insurance premium had been paid.
He also stated he was continuing to investigate infer-red motion activated self recording cameras for each of the entrances as suggested by a member at the last meeting.
Bill Hess will be following up on the suggestion of No Solicitation signs for the entrances and report back at the next meeting.
Chuck Holloway reported the new directories had been received and were in the process of being delivered to the membership.
New Business
Russ Argus inquired about getting McKay Creek dredged by the county. Following discussion by members with knowledge of the previous history on the process; it was suggested that the association send a letter requesting that the New Penny for Pinellas projects list include funds for an engineering study for dredging of the McKay Creek. Ed Chesney stated he would follow up the matter and send a request for dredging on behalf of Harbor Hills.
Member Comments
A member advised that according to the surveyors that the county was planning to repair or replace the forced sewer main on Avocado. Jake Stowers said he would look into the matter to find out what was actually being planned & when.
Next Meeting
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for June 21, 2017.
Adjourn Meeting
motion made by Jake Stowers & duly seconded was adjourned @ 7:20 PM
Board of directors meeting April 19, 2017 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:30 PM
Roll Call:
Members Present were: Joyce O'Brien, Jake Stowers, Ed Chesney, Lloyd Banks, Judy Cole, Rodney Finke.
Absent: Chuck Holloway, Bill Hess, Russ Argus
Approval of Meeting
Meeting Minutes on 3/15/17 & 3/31/17 were previously distributed to all board members with no additional revisions received. It was moved by Jake Stowers and duly seconded to approve the minutes of both meeting and unanimously
approved. An omission of the word “insurance” to the 2/15/17 minutes was noted and it was moved by Rodney Finke & duly seconded to amend the minutes to make the correction. Motion Carried.
Special Presentation
Deputy Sheriff Jessica Hughey, who heads up the Pinellas County Sheriffs Office [PCSO] Crime Watch & Community Awareness Unit, made a presentation on the program, its goals & objectives plus the do’s & don’ts. The meeting was attended by 21 members of the association. The program identified how to report any suspicious activities either by calling 911 or the non-emergency direct line @ 727/582-6200. She indicated there are always several PCSO units in the area & they will immediately respond. Q & A’s addressed included preventative suggestions: such as don't delay reporting incidents & helpful information needed to capture perpetrators. It was noted there are Neighborhood Watch signs posted at all three entrances. A Home Security Assessment is available by the PCSO at no charge. It was suggested the PCSO Crime Viewer website be added to the HHPOA’s website.
Treasures Report
Joyce O’Brien, Treasurer distributed a financial report as 3/31/17 showing checking account balance of $51,552.04 .There are currently 18 member dues accounts unpaid. The restricted CD was increased to $10,000 as recommended at the February 15 Board Meeting. It was moved by Jake Stowers & duly seconded that the association purchase another CD for $15,000 to reduce the checking account balance. Motion Carried
By-Law & Deed Restriction Amendments
Ed Chesney reported he had a 48 minute phone meeting with the associations attorney and there are some still unresolved questions about the quorum issue. Jake Stowers requested that he review the recording of the annual meeting & then he, Rodney & Ed would visit the attorney to resolve the concerns.
Deed Restriction Infractions
Ed Chesney reviewed the Infraction report as of 3/11/17. Seems that some of the items previously reported as having been resolve have re-occured and are being addressed. Three new matters were added: Harbor Hills Drive - high grass; Harbor Circle West - Noise; & Brookside - camper trailer parked out front. The questions regarding a porte-cochere being considered a carport has been referred to the attorney for clarification.
Beautification Award
Rodney Finke reported the Beautification Award Sign has been erected in the proper winner’s yard.
Other Old Business
Rodney Finke reported the new bid for Liability Insurance coverage was $2,822.99, which was substantially less than the previous renewal proposal. It was moved by Joyce O’Brien & duly seconded to purchase the new coverage & change the Agent of Record on the other policies to the Mitchel Agency. Motion Carried.
New Business
The Board discussed the suggestion of adding No Solicitation signs. PCSO Deputy Hughey advised that all Solicitors are required to have a permit. It was suggested that the signs be added to the Speed/Neighborhood Watch posts at each entrance.
Member Comments
A member suggested that the association investigate having security cameras installed at each of the entrance as a deterrent to criminal activity. Several questions were raised as to cost, monitoring, location etc.
Next Meeting
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for May 17, 2017.
Meeting by motion made by Jake Stowers & duly seconded was adjourned @ 8:00 PM
Special Board of Directors meeting March 31, 2017 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the home of President Ed Chesney@ 1698 McKay Creek Drive, Largo, Florida, 33770.
With a quorum present the meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 5:45 PM
Board Present were: Ed Chesney, Joyce O'Brien, Jake Stowers, Lloyd Banks, Judy Cole, and Rodney Finke. Absent were: Bill Hess, Chuck Holloway, Russ Argus,
In the final review by the associations attorney of the amendments to the By-Laws & Deed Restrictions it was determined that the documents could not set two different requirements one for a quorum and another for adopting amendments. It was necessary for the board to clarify what the quorum to be established which would also be the required attendance for voting on amendments. After lengthy discussion reviewing past board meeting it was the unanimous consensus that the quorum be set at 30 qualifying parcels. It was moved by Jake Stowers & duly seconded that a quorum be set at 30 parcels & approved.
Ed Chesney discussed the issue as to whether or not aporte-cochere was a carport with the restrictions associated with parking of boats, trailers, trucks & RVs in HH. Jake Stowers recommended that the question be referred to the associations attorney for an answer.
Meeting by motion made by Rodney Finke & duly seconded was adjourned @ 6:00 PM
Board of directors meeting March 15, 2017 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
With a quorum being present the meeting was called to order by President Ed Chesney at 6:33 PM
Members Present were: Joyce O'Brien, Ed Chesney, Lloyd Banks, Judy Cole, and Rodney Finke. Bill Hess. Absent were Jake Stowers, Russ Argus, &
Chuck Holloway
Minutes of the Meeting 2/15/17 were previously
distributed to all Board members with the now revisions received. It was moved by Rodney Finke & duly seconded to approve the minutes as written. Motion Carried.
Joyce O'Brien, Treasurer, reported the checking account balance as of 2/28/17 is $48,639.25. Only 33 accounts of the 2017 dues remain unpaid as of 2/28/17. The restricted CD of $7,331.46 for entrances has not yet been increased to $10,000 as approved at last month’s board meeting. Treasurer, Joyce O’Brien, also reported that the Homeowner whom the Board last month approved foreclosing the delinquent dues balance has paid in full the total amount due of $1,989.95 which included the attorney fee and the association dues of $330.00.
Rodney Finke advised that copies of the Final Drafts of the Attorney prepared revisions to the Deed Restrictions & By-Laws as amended & approved by the membership at the annual meeting were forwarded to each director just prior to today’s meeting. He asked each director to proof the documents for any grammatical or typographical errors so they can be officially recorded.
Ed Chesney emailed an updated copy of the Deed Restriction Infraction Log reported. Ongoing issues were discussed as well as matters that had been cleared or resolved since the prior meeting. It was noted that some of the complaints made reference to the broad Section 11 and gave no specifics. It was the consensus that any future matters would be required to identify the actual or specific issue before the Association would respond to the matter.
Judy Cole gave the gift card to Rodney Finke who said he would move the Award Sign for the HH Beautification Award to Brian & Patricia Wynn’s home @ 3667 Orchard Grove Lane, Lot F-12.
Lloyd Banks advised that new Yard Sale Sign inserts had been ordered which Joyce O’Brien had brought the check for. Bill Hess will be taking back over the Entrance Way & Sign Duties.
Rodney Finke shared information he received from Brown & Brown Insurance agency. There were three policies from Travelers Ins. One showed a significant increase in premium. Policies are due for renewal in May. It was agreed they would be shopped to other agents and the fidelity bond coverage needed to be clarified since it speaks of coverage only for an employee which wouldn't benefit the association.
Monica Lanier brought up the subject of Neighborhood Crime Watch [NCW] in view of the recent rash of vehicle break ins. Joyce O’Brien advised the matter was posted on the association website. Judy Cole advised the association in the past had participated in the NCW program which died for lack of interest. The association’s representative moved away. Ed Chesney asked Monica Lanier if she would check into the program with the Sheriff’s Dept., which patrols the subdivision, and report back at the next meeting. Ed Chesney stated he would send out a blast email warning of leaving vehicles unlocked & break-ins.
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for April 19, 2017.
Meeting by motion made by Rodney Finke & duly seconded was adjourned @ 7:40 PM
Board of directors meeting February 15, 2017 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Meeting was called to order by President Rodney Finke at 6:30 PM
Members Present were:Tom Tomalo, Joyce O'Brien, Jake Stowers, Chuck Holloway, Ed Chesney, Lloyd Banks, Judy Cole, Russ Argus, and Rodney Finke. Absent: Bill Hess
It was moved by Jake Stowers & duly seconded to nominate Ed Chesney as President. Motion unanimously carried.
It was moved by Ed Chesney and duly seconded to nominate Lloyd Banks as Secretary. President Finke reported that Jake Stowers & Joyce O'Brien - VP & Treasurer respectively had agreed stay on in their current positions.
Annual Meeting Minutes were distributed, reviewed & discussed. One minor change in wording was suggested deleting the word extensive after the sentence beginning with Although & inserting numerous minor before changes. Jake Stowers recommend that a final copy of the By-Laws & Deed Restrictions as adopted be attached to the minutes of the meeting as approved. Motion by Jake Stowers & duly seconded was unanimously approved. Copies will be printed in the new directories & posted on the Web Site.
Joyce O'Brien, Treasurer reported the checking account balance is $48,845.17. The collections of 2017 dues to date have $727.23 by credit card payments & $18,681.00 by check. The restricted CD of $7,331.46 for entrances has been renewed for one year at B of A. It was moved by Jake Stowers & duly seconded that the CD be increased back to the original $10,000 balance. Motion carried. It was recommended that the Associations insurance be shopped with two additional agencies since Brown & Brown Ins. Agency did a poor job.The recommendation to purchased an additional CD for $15,000 was tabled. The attorney has been requested to file for a judgment for our lien for non-payment of 4-years of dues on Harbor Hills Drive location at a cost of $1,651.
Rodney Finke reported that the boat that was at the corner of Harbor Hills Drive & Harbor Circle West after being sent a letter by the attorney has been removed. The previous complaint about mattresses being sold out of a trailer on Avocado, there are no signs on the trailer and as of 2/14/17 was not there. The two trucks are being parked on the lawn at the corner of Indian Rocks Road & High Bluff Drive; it was suggested they be sent a friendly letter since this as a new Deed Restriction change.
Judy Cole reported based on a recommendation by their neighbor the Beautification Award be given to Brian & Patrica Wynn, 3667 Orchard Grove Lane, Lot F-12. Motion Carried.
It was moved by Judy Cole & duly seconded that the date of the Spring HH Yard Sale be held on April 1, 2017. Motion Carried
Re-Dredging of McKay Creek was discussed; Jake advised the the County has no funds to currently undertake the project but stated we would be asking the project be included in the next Penny for Pinellas budget. Dieter Schmid reported: 3 properties on High Bluff Dr , & 2 properties on Shady Bluff have property condition issues. Jake is also trying to contact the property owner about the condition of the property High Bluff Drive, she sold the property to Son in Law in California few years ago.
Several members reported they recently had vehicles broken into that were rarely but inadvertently left unlocked. Jake advised that repaving of HH streets is scheduled in about 3-years. County will be installing sidewalks on Indian Rocks Road.
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for March 15, 2017.
Meeting by motion made by Judy Cole & duly hseconded was adjourned @ 7:35 PM
HHPOA Annual membership meeting January 25, 2017 minutes.
The Harbor Hills Property owners annual meeting was held at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
Rodney Finke board President welcomed the audience of homeowners and led the association membership in a Pledge of allegiance.
President Rodney Finke called the meeting to order at 6:40. Present were board members Tom Tomalo, Joyce O'Brien, Jake Stowers, Lloyd Banks, and Rodney Finke.
December minutes were previously emailed to all directors. After Rodney asked if anyone had any questions or need for discussion, Lloyd Banks made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Motion seconded by Tom Tomalo and was passed by unanimous consent of the board of directors present.
Joyce O'Brien, Treasurer, presented the financial report as of 12/31/2016. There was considerable discussion from the audience with Joyce responding. Joe Kunz had some questions in depth and agreed to meet with Joyce to answer his questions should he still have questions at the end of the meeting.
Joyce then moved on to a review of the 2016 budget projected versus actual and ultimately to the 2017 proposed budget. Line by line review resulted in numerous questions asked by the homeowners and answered by Joyce or other board members explaining how the values were arrived at. Lively discussion ensued and when all questions were addressed the proposed budget was brought to a vote by show of hands. The vote was by Homeowners in good standing one vote per property and was unanimous with no nays.
Rodney brought up the status of the deed restrictions and Bylaws including the changes from the Attorney that were mailed to the homeowners. The current deed restriction # 27 requires 20 day notice prior to the meeting and due to the holiday mail delay the mailing arrived at 19 days prior to the meeting. President Finke discussed this with the Homeowners present and queried the members whether this one day delay caused any issues with those present. There were no problems with the short time for review prior to the meeting and the board moved forward with the discussion of the changes.
Jake Stowers reported on proposed changes to the bylaws and Deed Restrictions to bring the current RECORDED bylaws and restrictions in line with actual practices such as the association is no longer involved in building restrictions, docks etc. Extensive discussion ensued with diverse views to reflect current election practices and to maintain a quality community within the realistic confines of increasing watering restrictions. Also discussed were items such as required quorums for deed restriction changes and bylaw changes amid ongoing apathy in the membership having busy schedules. Deed restrictions are considered more important and should require a larger quorum to make changes. Although extensive changes were made to many paragraphs, the changes reflected current practices from the recent decades as opposed to drastic changes from previous procedures. Once again there was good discussion and considerable input from both the audience and the board members explaining why the changes were worded the way they were, especially lawn quality. In a few instances there were sections of the bylaws or restrictions where wording had been proposed incorrectly and changes were noted. The new version will be online as approved by the members present.
President Finke reviewed the current slate of directors including those with terms expiring. The election of five directors for the 2017 board has five vacancies and five homeowners running for election. Those running for election are:
Rodney Finke
Jake Stowers
Joyce O'Brien
Judy Cole
Russ Argus
Russ Argus is out of town on business and the remaining candidates present were introduced to the membership.
At this time the homeowners present were asked to fill out their ballots voting for or against the candidates, bylaw changes, and deed restriction changes. Secretary Tom Tomalo with help from a non voting audience member counted the ballots while President Rodney Finke opened the floor to the audience for any new business or discussion.
Results of the election all five candidates elected: 37 Yays 0 Nays
Bylaw changes 38Yays 0 Nays
Deed Restriction changes 38 Yays 0 Nays
Next meeting is February 15, 2017
Motion to adjourn made by Jake Stowers seconded by Joyce O'Brien, passed unanimously.
Board of directors meeting December 7, 2016 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at 3856 McKay Creek Drive, Harbor Hills, Florida, 33770.
President Rodney Finke called the meeting to order at 6:35. Present were board members Tom Tomalo, Joyce O'Brien, Jake Stowers, Chuck Holloway, Ed Chesney, Lloyd Banks, Judy Cole, and Rodney Finke.
November minutes were previously sent to all directors. After some discussion Lloyd Banks made a motion to accept the minutes as written with the attached reports from the meeting. Motion seconded by Jake Stowers passed by unanimous consent.
Joyce O'Brien, Treasurer reported that the checking account has $33,516.89 as of today. After discussing the current beautification award to be presented by Rodney to Steve and Joan Lutttman, Joyce presented the proposed budget for 2017 for discussion. The proposed budget based on 2016 actual verses proposed amounts was discussed and modified line by line as needed for 2017 based on changes during the last year and increased costs such as insurance increases, better dues collections, increased postage, new LED street lighting costs printing fees etc. After considerable discussion the finalized proposal will be printed and presented at the annual membership meeting January 25, 2017. Motion to approve the budget as modified made by Tom Tomalo seconded by Chuck Holloway, the motion passed by unanimous consent.
Jake Stowers reported on proposed changes to the bylaws and Deed Restrictions to bring the current RECORDED bylaws and restrictions in line with actual practices such as the association is no longer involved in building restrictions, docks etc. Extensive discussion ensued with diverse views to reflect current election practices and to maintain a quality community within the realistic confines of increasing watering restrictions. Also discussed were items such as required quorums for deed restriction changes and bylaw changes amid ongoing apathy in the membership having busy schedules. Deed restrictions are considered more important and should require a larger quorum to make changes. Although extensive changes were made to many paragraphs, the changes reflected current practices from the recent decades as opposed to drastic changes from accepted procedures. The finalized changes will be presented to the attorney to assure compliance and correct language and printed for presentation and discussion at the annual meeting
New Grievances addressed by Rodney Finke were an ongoing boat parked in the driveway and a commercial tow truck parked in another driveway both on McKay Creek Drive. The boat owner will move the boat shortly and the tow truck owner will be notified shortly by Rodney.
The proposed bylaw and deed restrictions and elections of directors will be mailed to the membership prior to the January 25, 2017
Motion to adjourn made by Tom Tomalo seconded by Ed Chesney, passed unanimously.
Board of directors meeting November 16, 2016 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
President Rodney Finke called the meeting to order at 6:36. Present were board members TomTomalo, Joyce O'Brien, Jake Stowers, Chuck Holloway, Ed Chesney, Lloyd Banks, Bill Hess, Judy Cole, and Rodney Finke.
Tom Tomalo Secretary has produced minutes from the last three meetings. Minutes were sent to all directors. After some discussion Lloyd Banks made a motion to accept the minutes as printed with the attached reports from those meetings. Motion seconded by Jake Stowers passed by unanimous consent.
Joyce O'Brien, Treasurer reported that the checking account balance is at $33,552.76 and we have an additional $10,000.00 CD
Of the three houses that were sent letters by the attorney, two have paid up with one left ( on Harbor Hills Drive).
Three outstanding homeowners more than a year have not paid: , Homeowner McKay Creek Drive, Homeowner Harbor Hills Drive, and, Homeowner High Bluffs Drive.
Jake Stowers moved to accept the treasurers report as presented, seconded by Bill Hess, motion passed by unanimous consent.
The roofing truck discussed last meeting has moved out and left the community and thus the efforts to reach the actual homeowner is moot.
Jake Stowers and Rodney Finke had taken the deed restrictions and Bylaw changes to attorney George Hayes for review and proper wording as a first draft. Rodney printed the recommended changes for us to discuss. Jake presented the changes that we need to decide on and the more important issues were discussed. Numbers were batted around regarding percentages to pass new bylaws and restrictions and how to arrive at realistic percentages of homeowners. The scope of the changes is large enough that the directors chose to have the draft emailed to the directors for perusal at home and recommended changes emailed round table to the directors to decide on prior to 10/01/2016. We will have an early December meeting to finalize the language.
Lloyd Banks made a motion to amend the quorum definition to 5% of the membership (19 Homeowners) present at the annual meeting and remove the option of voting by proxy. Seconded by Jake Stowers. Motion carried unanimously. Lively discussion continued regarding the changes and legal processes.
The directors need to finish the online assessment to Rodney by December first and we will meet on the 7th as a December meeting date to finalize the mailer.
Other dilemmas included parking on lawns, acceptable lawns and “Florida friendly landscaping, wording on election of “directors”, then the directors elect officers, etc.
Judy reported on beautification award nominees and had no one to recommend for this month. The north west corner of Brookside Lane and Orchard Grove Lane has been upgraded in the last year and was selected as a recipient for this beautification award. Motion to award Steven and Joan Luttmann the beautification award made by Joyce O'Brien, seconded by Tom Tomalo. Passed unanimously.
Joyce is to send an email soliciting director nominees for the annual membership meeting. Homeowners need to step up to the plate and participate as a director or not complain when things don't go their way.
Gunter Manczur and others mentioned the ongoing issues at 3673 Shady Bluffs Drive with a yellow trailer parked in the drive and possibly a machine shop set up in the garage. And several other ongoing violations. Some are repeat offenders and Rodney will have a letter sent to the ongoing offenders from the attorney where necessary. Further discussion delved into a neighbor cutting bushes on Judy Coles property. General consensus is to call the Sheriffs office should it occur again or have an attorney send a letter.
Motion to adjourn by Tom Tomalo seconded by Jake Stowers, passed by unanimous consent.
Next meeting to be December 7th, 2016
Board of directors meeting October 19, 2016 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
President Rodney Finke called the meeting to order at 6:40. Present were board members Tom Tomalo, Joyce O'Brien, Jake Stowers, Chuck Holloway, Ed Chesney, Lloyd Banks, Bill Hess, and Rodney Finke.
Joyce O'Brien, Treasurer reported that the third quarter trial balance and a balance sheet, however her new printer is down and the new one has not arrived yet. The checking account balance is $43,960.63. It will change when she purchases a $10,000.00 CD this month.
The Fall Yard sale had 14 homes that participated in that they had their names on the website, Craigslist, several yard sale publications on Facebook, and three (locations) of Tampa Bay newspaper. Traffic appeared better than the past few years with good feedback from the participants.
Rodney Finke provided copies of the five letters sent out to the deed restriction and Bylaw violators for the record. Four of the five recipients resolved the problems, the remaining issue appears to be a rental home and the renters may not have been made aware of the deed restrictions prior to moving in. Letters have been sent to the address unanswered. The owner after being located will be sent a letter to resolve the issue with his tenants.
Mike from the audience brought up speeding vehicles on McKay Creek Drive and discussion followed regarding what can be done to slow traffic down. Speed bumps have been denied by the county and are unpopular with the membership. The Sheriffs office has multiple times set up speed monitoring equipment and not found sufficient cause to issue tickets.
Soil erosion from properties flowing into the streets during rain events was brought up and responsibility, cause, remedies, and cleanup were discussed with no determination as to any action to be taken.
Rodney and Jake are to meet with George Hayes the association attorney to work over recommended changes in the deed restrictions and Bylaws and prepare legalese to present to the membership at the annual meeting.
Chuck Holloway revisited parking on lawns with food for thought discussing whether any allowance should be made for parking on lawns i.e. zero tolerance or should brief periods be allowed ( # of days per month). There appear to be few violators here and the vast majority of homeowners would most likely vote for passage and the question posed, essentially would be will the association vote for a zero tolerance rule or like past voting rebel against zero tolerance. Jake brought up county surveys on the topic including general acceptance of no parking on lawns with a very high percentage for not allowing parking on lawns. After ~ fifteen minutes of lively discussion it was generally agreed to bring the concept up with the attorney at Rodney and Jake's meeting to determine enforce-ability and what other homeowners associations have done and what remedies are available to associations.
Short term rental has come up with a Realtor. County law essentially sets a minimum establishing a 30 day minimum for “short term” rentals. Monthly, six month, and annual rentals were discussed. Because the deed restrictions do not allow commercial businesses and the zoning is single family there are several venues to use in crafting a functional enforce-able deed restriction or bylaw governing “short term rental”. As there are multiple state, county, and city regulations regarding short term rentals Jake and Rodney will approach George (Hayes) for guidance at the meeting.
Judy Cole in charge of beautification awards noted by email to the directors that there were no nominations for beautification award this month.
Lloyd Banks has retained his lawn service to clean the entranceways at $100.00 every other month with a $150.00 initial cleanup. Motion to approve Ron's Lawn and Tree Service at $100.00 every other month clean and maintain the entranceways with any additional materials to be billed in addition to these charges made by Lloyd Banks, seconded by Bill Hess. Seven yea's with Joyce voting no.
3925 McKay Creek Dr. is behind on dues, Joyce has sent letters with no response. Ownership is suppressed as the owner is in law enforcement. Tom Tomalo will go across the street and chat with him next time they're outside and report back next meeting.
Mike Clark in pursuing maintenance dredging first with Commissioner Long, then with Mr. Jolly's office. After correspondence with David Jolly's office Mike was told that there was a waterways bill in progress, however when Mike reviewed the bill there is nothing on McKay Creek in the bill. Mr. Jolly's office told Mike that a commission sponsored request for a waterways appropriations bill the federal government potentially would pay for the maintenance dredging.
Nomination committee
Board members Chuck Holloway (chairman), Bill Hess, and Ed Chesney
and Citizens Shane Erwin 1837 Harbor Circle West and others to be listed shortly.
Other requests from the audience:
Street light interference with homeowners can be addressed, however the board having requested the street light upgrade must also request the shrouds or diffusers. Ongoing discussion resulted in a motion by Chuck Holloway, seconded by Tom Tomalo that streetlight shrouds where requested by homeowners shall be supported by the board. Passed by unanimous consent.
Motion to adjourn by Jake Stowers seconded by Tom Tomalo, passed by unanimous consent. Next meeting to be November 16th, 2016
Board of directors meeting September 21, 2016 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
President Rodney Finke called the meeting to order at 6:35. Present were board members Joyce O'Brien, Jake Stowers, Chuck Holloway, Ed Chesney, Lloyd Banks, Judy Cole, and Rodney Finke.
Joyce O'Brien, Treasurer reported that the checking account balance is $44,419.85. It will change when she purchases a $10,000.00 CD this month. There are two homes that owe for 2016 dues, two homes making monthly payments, three who are to have liens filed that apparently in foreclosure. One at 3925 Mc Kay Creek Drive who has not responded to several letters. Great Job Joyce! Thank you.
Rodney Finke checked the violations brought up last meeting and two of them are in “L” block not under the jurisdiction of this board and therefore will not have letters sent to them. While driving the neighborhood Rodney noticed other ongoing violations and sent letters to the five homeowners asking for compliance. Should the problems persist at those addresses they will receive letters from the attorney. Rodney to email copies to the board members.
Lloyd Banks took the liberty of modifying the spreadsheet offered by Patti (??) at the August meeting. The new format is in keeping with the tenor of the board and differentiates between non deed restrictions and other issues.
In addition to the letters sent by Rodney, Chuck Holloway mentioned the home on Shady Bluffs Drive that has been discussed several times that is in disrepair and has high grass. Apparently an absentee owner has not responded to attempts to contact him, so the board decided the best way to approach the problem is to call code enforcement. Chuck is to follow up and contact code enforcement.
Last old business item is the entranceways. Rodney has fired the old landscaper, Lloyd Banks to hire someone new to take care of the entranceways. Jake to contact the county to trim the trees blocking sight lines leaving all three roads from the community.
Jake Stowers spent considerable time reviewing and recommending changes to update the bylaws and deed restrictions. The enclosed copies are preliminary recommendations. Extensive discussion regarding all aspects of the printed changes with considerable input from the board resulted in minor changes to be consolidated by Jake to be discussed at a later meeting with the association attorney George Hayes.
The Christmas party was once again discussed with no resolution.
New homeowners attended from McKay Creek Drive and Mike Clark updated the ongoing sewage issues remaining from Largo's sewer forced main construction.
Motion to adjourn by ?????? seconded by ?????, passed by unanimous consent. Next meeting to be October 19th, 2016
Board of directors meeting August 17, 2016 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
President Rodney Finke called the meeting to order at 6:35PM and called roll. Joyce O'Brien, Jake Stowers, Judy Cole, Lloyd Banks, and Rodney Finke were present, with Chuck Holloway arriving a few minutes later.
Last meeting's minutes were briefly discussed and approved with a 4 to zero vote with the email correction sent to Tom Tomalo after the minutes were sent. Joyce O'Brien abstained as she had been absent the previous meeting.
Treasurer Joyce O'Brien reported that as of July 31st the association had $45,509.28 in the checking account. There are three homeowners who have not paid current dues, there are two making payments, and there are four that the attorney is sending letters to for past due dues. The 9month CD is coming due in October and Joyce feels that an additional CD would be prudent at this time. Lloyd Banks after brief discussion made a motion to approve rolling the existing CD over and to move an additional $10,000.00 to an another CD at the rate current at the due date. Motion seconded by Jake Stowers, passed by unanimous consent.
Joyce O'Brien passed out Trial Balance, Profit and Loss, and balance sheet copies for the first two quarters and the directors discussed the current budget. Areas of concern are insurance placed by our current agent with “surplus lines law”, the cost doubled when placed with Surplus Lines.
The only other line item over budget is the website as we were forced to create a complete new site as the previous board was unwilling to provide a password to the old site. The additional website costs are mostly offset by the advertisers and fees for online dues payment fees.
Entrance maintenance was discussed with the need for additional work to keep the entranceways to a higher standard, Rodney said that he would get together with Randy and step the program to a better level.
Joyce brought up the new software purchased in her absence and discussion followed where it was decided that Joyce would in lieu of extensive schooling remain with the current software as there are no real advantages to the new software. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Joyce for your wonderful commitment past and present to the board. Please accept our heartfelt apologies for trespassing on your space.
Jake Stowers took the floor to float some ideas for the badly outdated deed restrictions and bylaws currently in effect with the thought that the directors would review the bylaws and deed restrictions for further discourse at the September meeting. Among the outdated items are covered boat slips not allowed, trucks not allowed, dock inspections by the board, etc. Much of these are now the purview of the county by law. The parking on lawns by a few homeowners, the printing errors in the 2016 directory, enforce-ability and fairness in any new laws or restrictions, etc. were all discussed.
Ongoing dialog touched on many old and current issues including the list provided to the board via the agenda. The violations were discussed and some had been rectified, others were discussed and slated for letters from the attorney, others were to be checked further and the owners were to be notified and given the opportunity to rectify the problems. One is to be turned over to county code enforcement.
The Harbor Hills blog has wrong information and posts private phone numbers, incorrect board members, etc. We need to have someone find who is doing the blog.
Entrance landscaping was discussed with the decision that we need to either get Randy to step up the program or find a replacement.
The annual fall yard sale was discussed and the date chosen for the yard sale is to be Saturday
October 15,2016.
The Christmas party/hayride was brought up and questions regarding where, when, whether we need an insurance rider, and if there is really an interest in having the party. There has been a distinct lack of interest the last few years and the event. Judy Cole made a motion to not have the hayride/Christmas party seconded by Chuck Holloway, passed by unanimous consent.
Patti Street offered to set up an excel spreadsheet to keep track of deed violations and bylaw violations. Another offered up the idea that the cloud would be a good place to operate this spreadsheet with access to all board members.
The next board meeting will be September 21, 2016.
Board of directors meeting June 15, 2016 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
President Rodney Finke called the meeting to order at 6:34. Present were board members Tom Tomalo, Ed Chesney, Lloyd Banks, Bill Hess, Chuck Holloway, Jake Stowers, Judy Cole, and Rodney Finke.
Minutes were discussed and approved as written Motion to approve minutes made by, Lloyd Banks, seconded by Jake Stowers, unanimously approved.
Lloyd Banks reminded the board that Joyce O'Brien mentioned that she was using an old version of Quick Books. Lloyd recommended that we spend the money to upgrade utilizing the online feature so that continuity would ensue for future board Treasurers and the books would be stored in the cloud removing the threat of loss by a crashed computer. Lloyd moved that we purchase the newer online version including monthly charges, seconded by Tom Tomalo, motion passed by unanimous consent pending verification of the fees and Joyce O'Brien's approval as treasurer.
Revisiting the trash hauler discussion, the final draft has been approved and the flier will be printed, labeled, and mailed as soon as possible. Motion to move forward and mail the flier made by Bill Hess, seconded by Ed Chesney, passed by unanimous approval.
Dredging of Mc Kay Creek was discussed with no solution in sight to deal with the constant silt and debris coming from Largo into our back yards and making the waterway less and less navigable.
Bylaw and deed restriction violations were discussed with the repeat violators being the real issue. Numerous complaints were investigated by Tom and Rodney prior to the meeting and many were dealt with by simple contact and the balance will need letters. Further discussion touched on the ongoing issue at a few homes where parking on the lawns is ongoing. Ideas were floated for a deed restriction or bylaw change to deal specifically with the homes where lawn parking is constant. Chuck Holloway suggested lawn parking restriction limiting to 72 hours per month to allow for occasional anomalies requiring temporary parking.
Chuck Holloway moved that we send this dilemma to George Hayes, attorney for the association to propose an effective, applicable, and enforceable deed restriction to deal with this issue. The motion seconded by Jake Stowers with unanimous approval.
The remaining deed restrictions were discussed and with the exception of several active construction sites and one ongoing rental issue all have been dealt with. We will continue to monitor the construction sites and ongoing problem addresses.
Ed Chesney reviewed the input from the info@ portion of our website mostly very positive with incoming complaints that we deal with monthly.
Lloyd requested lighter signs for the monthly meetings as the old signs are very heavy. Bill Hess made a motion to spend the money on new signs seconded by Tom Tomalo, passed by unanimous consent.
Motion to adjourn by Tom Tomalo seconded by Judy Cole, passed by unanimous consent. Next meeting to be August 18th, 2016
HARBOR HILLS PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION Board of directors meeting May 18, 2016 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
President Rodney Finke called the meeting to order at 6:47. Present were board members Tom Tomalo, Joyce O’Brien, Lloyd Banks, Bill Hess, Chuck Holloway, Jake Stowers, Judy Cole, and Rodney Finke.
Minutes were discussed and approved as written Motion to approve minutes made by, Lloyd Banks, seconded by Bill Hess, unanimously approved.
Joyce O'Brien reported that as of May 18, 2016 the checking account was at $55,955.00 plus a $10,000.00 CD. About 26 homes have not paid dues yet.
Joyce is meeting with a representative from the Brown agency regarding liability coverage. Proof of workman's comp insurance or certificate of exemption is required for all contractors hired by the board for maintenance or repairs such as entrance maintenance or other repairs.
Joyce has not completed the work on determining the path to billing on the two homes where the mail is returned and phone disconnected.
Lloyd Banks has put together a program to track current expenditures versus projected and he gave us a copy through 3/31/2016 and will update it as Joyce gives him the current numbers to bring it up to date. This will give us a more accurate barometer of where the budget is and will allow us to modify it in the future.
Rodney has not had the opportunity to get together with our attorney regarding he trailer deed violation on high bluffs drive, so that item is tabled to next meeting.
Ed Chesney is out of town and will continue talking with the insurance agent regarding the status of a replacement general liability coverage policy upon his return.
Bill Hess has two proposals from trash haulers in the neighborhood Solar and Waste Pro will abate charges for winter residents and provide comparable service for the lowest fees not predicated on having the entire membership use only them. Bill has offered to put a proposal to the membership as to why we are recommending this. For example currently we have at least four trash haulers tearing up our roads and endangering our pedestrians six days a week. The board would ideally like to have one trash hauler in the neighborhood.
Mike Twitty's research on the possible installation of reclaimed water in the neighborhood is ongoing.
Ed Chesney's report on McKay Creek dredging is unavailable as he is absent, however Jake Stowers having been present at many of the county meetings presented much anecdotal information regarding the BP monies, general dredging discussions at the county, past tax assessments to Creek homeowners, the 860 suggestions for the $7,200,000.00 in BP money, etc.
Judy Cole updated the board on the beautification award to go to Joe Kunz of 3789 High Bluffs Drive. Joe has been working diligently on the property and it shows. Thanks Joe for your contribution to making our community more attractive. Joe is also a past president of the board and we would again like to thank Joe for his past service on the board.
Tom Tomalo brought up the improvements to the northwest corner of Brookside Boulevard and Orchard Grove Lane with an improved lawn, new shrubs, and mulch making the home one of the more attractive homes in the area as one of the homes to consider for a future beautification award.
Judy Cole enumerated the incoming complaints:
Boat parked at 1691 Harbor Circle West
Motorhome parked at 1793 Harbor Circle West
Truck parked at 4419 Harbor Hills Drive
Construction trailer at 3950 McKay Creek Drive
Boat and trailer parked at 1655 Brookside Blvd.
Boat and construction trailer at 3405 Avocado Drive
Discussion regarding each “violation” ensued with Rodney agreeing to speak with those actually in violation and resolutions of no violations where usage was within the Bylaws. Where the homeowners do not resolve the issue after contact by the board, the attorney sends a letter and we proceed from there. The vast majority respond to the “please be a good neighbor” approach by Rodney and deal with the violations.
Jake Stowers brought up the process for changing deed restrictions and Bylaws to remove the “green law”, Chuck Holloway mentioned parking on lawns.
Jake Stowers brought up solicitation by Bree Maddocks with Keller Williams with a door hanger advertising a Facebook page for Harbor Hills.
Next Meeting to be June 15, 2016 Motion to adjourn by Bill Hess seconded by Joyce O'Brien, adjourned by unanimous consent.
Board of directors meeting April 20, 2016 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
President Rodney Finke called the meeting to order at 6:31. Present were board members Tom Tomalo, Joyce O’Brien, Lloyd Banks, Bill Hess, Chuck Holloway, Jake Stowers, Ed Chesney, and Rodney Finke.
Minutes were discussed and approved as written Motion to approve minutes made by, Jake Stowers seconded by Tom Tomalo, unanimously approved.
Joyce O'Brien reported that as of March 31, 2016 the checking account was at $53,027.72 plus a $10,000.00 CD. About 35 homes have not paid dues yet, a number decreasing monthly. The corporation tax has been paid and updated with the new officers. Two of the dues bills are returned to HHPOA Shady Bluff Drive, and Harbor Hills Drive. Joyce O'Brien will check the tax rolls for any additional addresses.
Lloyd Banks made the recommendation that the treasurers report be more detailed to cover past and future detailed expenditures compared to budget to have a better feel for where we are relative to the proposed budget. Joyce explained that the current program is not capable of breaking the numbers down in that format. After some discussion, Lloyd offered to put something together.
Motion to approve the treasurers report as submitted made by Jake Stowers, seconded by Tom Tomalo, unanimously approved.
Rodney spoke with our attorney George Hayes regarding the deed restriction letter sent to the Gray's and George recommended that Rodney call Mr. Gray before we proceeded with a lawsuit. Rodney called Mr. Gray and had about a 30 minute discussion regarding the issues of deed restriction compliance and they may have come to a possible resolution without enormous expenditures in legal fees on both sides. Essentially Mr. Gray will make it so that we cannot see the trailer outside the legally installed fence provided that the board provide a letter that he will not be harassed about the trailer. He feels that he has been singled out and harassed while numerous other unfettered infractions abound in the neighborhood. Rodney is to contact George and put together a letter for board review dealing with this issue.
New LED street lighting has been approved and installation will begin as scheduling by Duke Energy allows.
Ed Chesney reported that he had spoken with Jamie our insurance agent and she would have a new carrier before our current policy ran out. The current carrier is no longer writing this type of insurance and that is the reason why we need a new policy.
Bill Hess has two proposals from trash haulers in the neighborhood and has more to come hopefully for the next meeting. Solar, Progressive, Waste Management, and Waste Pro are the four known vendors currently in the neighborhood. Bill will have more extensive information to the directors prior to the next meeting.
Rodney contacted Randy regarding the entrance ways and let Randy know that the entrance ways needed regular maintenance as opposed to only when we called Randy.
Bill Hess mentioned the light out and the dilemma of no power during working hours due to the photo cell shutting power off during working hours. Tom Tomalo offered to check on the way home from the meeting to see if power is available with a non contact voltage tester. (there is power at the outlet indicating most likely a bad GFIC outlet).
Mike Twitty is not at the meeting therefore we are unable to address the prospects of reclaimed water at this meeting.
Joyce O'Brien and Tom Tomalo commented on the community wide garage sale that it was great with good traffic and considerable “good stuff” for sale. Participating homeowners who contacted Joyce had their addresses (no names) posted on the website and the newspaper ad directed shoppers to our website. Great job all around with good participation.
Ed Chesney has the new “info@harborhillspoa email up and running and received one complaint regarding the boat at 1200 Indian Rocks Road which has since been placed behind a new fence and is per bylaws “substantially screened from the street and neighbors” .
A few other violations were discussed with no substantial actions taken yet. Directors involved will review the properties in question and we will deal with issues as they arise and are verified.
Mike Clark spoke to the county receiving money from the BP Oil settlement and that the county website is looking for ideas for spending the money on their website. Ed Chesney is to draft a letter to the county suggesting that some of the BP moneys be spent dredging Mc Kay Creek which would be certainly in the spirit of environmental improvement and would bring the county in compliance with the agreement reached with the homeowners who paid for the initial dredging to be maintained by the county.
Next Meeting to be May 18th, 2016 Motion to adjourn by Lloyd Banks seconded by Tom Tomalo, adjourned by unanimous consent.
Board of directors meeting March 16, 2016 minutes.
The Harbor Hills board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
President Rodney Finke called the meeting to order at 6:31. Present were board members Tom Tomalo, Joyce O’Brien, Lloyd Banks, Bill Hess, Judy Cole, Chuck Holloway, Jake Stowers, Ed Chesney, and Rodney Finke.
Minutes were discussed and approved with the correction that Rodney Finke called the meeting to order not Jake Stowers as previously written. Motion to approve minutes as corrected made by, Jake Stowers seconded by Joyce O'Brien, unanimously approved.
Joyce O'Brien reported that as of March 16, 2016 the checking account was at $52,853.33 after purchasing the $10,000.00 CD. There are about 50 homeowners who have not paid dues yet. We have 3 homeowners that have been turned over to the attorney for collection of past due association dues. There are additional homes in foreclosure. There is sufficient money in the checking account to purchase an additional CD. Discussion ensued and the additional CD was delayed until the attorneys bills are in on current legal actions. Motion to accept the treasurers report as presented by Jake Stowers, seconded by Tom Tomalo, passed by unanimous consent.
Rodney met with George Hayes the association attorney regarding the ongoing deed restrictions violations at the Gray residence and after repeated attempts to reconcile the issues with Mr. Gray by neighbors and board members we have no choice but to have the attorney send him a final letter prior to legal action.
Chuck Holloway brought up the addition of camper parked on the property in violation of current deed restrictions. Mr. Gray has had 80 days from the initial letter to comply and has failed to comply or even discuss the issue when Chuck Holloway reached out to him. His response to a casual approach by Chuck to discuss the issue was to call the sheriffs office and report harassment. Jake Stowers moved that we go ahead with the final letter seconded by Tom Tomalo, passed unanimously.
On the remaining issues with other deed restriction violations where letters were sent, the issues have been resolved requiring no further action.
Duke Energy forwarded a lighting proposal to Rodney where our street lighting bill will increase slightly with the new LED lights and no upfront cost to install the lights. The past billing at $466.76 monthly will increase $45.29 to $512.05 monthly or an annual increase of $543.48, approximately a 9.7% increase. The new lights will be more efficient and considerably brighter. Jake Stowers made a motion to go forward with the new lighting, seconded by Chuck Holloway, passed by unanimous consent.
Discussion ensued regarding who would chair the beautification committee and Judy Cole graciously accepted as the new chair for the committee.
Regarding the letter of cancellation from our insurance carrier, Ed Chesney has contacted our agent and they assured him that we were dropped only because that particular carrier no longer writes that type of insurance. Jamie in the agents office is shopping for a replacement policy with the same coverage hopefully at the same cost. Ed also inquired about coverage should a motorist hit one of the association's monuments. Jamie assured him that we were covered for liability, but not the cost of the monuments. Ed will follow up with Jamie as needed.
Moving into new business, Bill Hess pursued information on trash haulers in the neighborhood with the long term goal of reducing the number of trash hauler trucks on our roads six days a week. This discussion has been ongoing with the board on the back burner for numerous meetings. Waste Management offered no special deals or programs other than their current pricing. Waste Pro offered the lowest pricing at $46.50 including tax per quarter with Monday and Thursday pickup with Wednesday recycling in a 96 gallon container. Further discussion ensued regarding bundled trash, additional containers, etc. It appears that Waste Pro is by far the best deal in the neighborhood. The board would like to reach out to the members and encourage them to use consolidate to one carrier. Bill Hess will get additional information from Solar Sanitation, Progressive, Waste Management, and Waste Pro to use in contacting the membership in an effort to reduce the heavy truck traffic in the neighborhood.
Joyce O'Brien brought up the need for a contact email on the website opening page and after considerable discussion Ed Chesney offered to help create and monitor an email address for website visitors wit the questions.
Maintenance of the entranceways was discussed with work needing to be caught up at the Avocado entrance. Rodney stated that he would get in touch with our landscaper to bring him up to speed.
Mike Twitty from the audience brought up the subject of reclaimed water on the note that City of Largo has excess capacity and might be willing to sell it to us. Board members debated the costs and benefits regarding Largo city up charges and desire to annex Harbor Hills versus the benefits of having reclaimed water available. Bill Hess made a motion that we look into the addition of reclaimed water seconded by Ed Chesney, passed by unanimous consent. Mike Twitty will explore the prospects with Largo and bring more information to the next meeting.
The community garage sale was confirmed as the 16th and Jake Stowers moved for adjournment
seconded by Joyce O'Brien, passed by unanimous consent.
Board of directors meeting February 17, 2016 minutes.
The board of directors met at the Belleair Bluffs City Hall, 2747 Sunset Blvd., Belleair Bluffs, Florida, 33770.
I. Present were board members Tom Tomalo, Joyce O’Brien, Lloyd Banks,Bill Hess, Judy Cole, Chuck Holloway, Jake Stowers, Ed Chesney, and Rodney Finke.
II. Vice President Jake Stowers called the meeting to order at 6:39.
III. Reaffirmation/discussion of Association Officers and changes if any. After minimal discussion, Lloyd Banks moved to reaffirm the current officers, Jake Stowers seconded the motion. The motion passed with an eight to one vote, Tom Tomalo voting Nay.
IV.Minutes were discussed and approved as written. Motion made by, Lloyd Banks seconded by Jake Stowers, unanimously approved.
V.Joyce O'Brien reported that as of the end of January the checking account was at $45,228.34 after purchasing the $10,000.00 CD. There are about 100 homeowners who have not paid dues yet, but the checks are still coming in, as are web payments which have an 85 cent fee included which goes toward the website costs. Four advertisers are using the website at $50.00 per year. We all need to encourage additional advertisers. Travelers has sent us a letter of non-renewal, Joyce is to contact our agent (Brown Insurance) to discuss options.
VI.Rodney spoke on deed restriction violations stating that about five issues were dealt with merely by talking with the residents, the one exception being the Gray residence. We will consult with the attorney regarding options. Tom Tomalo brought up county enforcement as an option and discussion ensued where we should explore all options. Several other issues were discussed including trash haulers and other potential violations. The issues with trash pickup include seasonal residents and other lesser problems. The trash discussion will be placed on a future agenda. Positive input included negotiating a best price, options from the haulers, local versus national company, and appealing to the membership to go with the cheapest and best for the community. Beautification Award was discussed and awarded to James and Priscilla Barnes of 3557 Avocado drive. A motion to award the Barnes' was made by Lloyd, seconded by Jake Stowers and passed by unanimous consent.
VII.The spring yard sale was scheduled for April 16, 2016 a Saturday. Regarding the “holiday” party Tom Tomalo requested a vote on naming the “holiday” party “Christmas Party”. Tom Tomalo made a motion returning to the name Christmas Party, seconded by Joyce, passed by unanimous consent. The Christmas Party was scheduled for December 15, 2016 a Thursday. Jake brought up Duke Energy has a program to upgrade to LED street lighting. The LED lighting is more expensive to purchase, but much more efficient consuming much less power. Duke Energy will convert them for no charge and possibly we may receive a lower power bill for the lighting. Theft from automobiles seems to be occurring mostly in unlocked cars, locking your doors will lower your odds of being robbed.
VIII.Opening the floor to the audience, there are no issues, must be we're doing better.
IX. Motion to adjourn passed by unanimous consent, next meeting March 16, 2016